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AnswerBot and Misspellings
Posted Aug 05, 2021
Is there a solution to help AnswerBot better handle misspellings? For example, a customer asked about our integration with "What's App." Had they properly spelled "Whatsapp" the appropriate article would have been shared with the customer.
It doesn't appear that adding misspellings in the labels will make AnswerBot any smarter but perhaps it should? While I've added different formats and spellings to certain articles to get them to surface in AnswerBot results, I hesitate to do this often. Let me know if I'm missing something obvious.
Kyle Beaulieu
Hi @...,
From what I've seen with AnswerBot, is it requires training. Like you have done/tested, adding the misspelled version in the tags is probably the best way to handle this. It's not perfect and might not fix the issue right away, but in time AnswerBot will learn to suggest the Whatsapp article when someone emails in about "What's App" kind of thing. So, in time, after enough people email in with a misspelling, yet find the proper article and find it helpful, AnsewrBot will put 2 and 2 together and learn that 'this' article is tied to 'this' question.
If you haven't seen it yet, I would suggest reading over the Optimizing your articles for Answer bot article. Not just for this instance but how to make AnswerBot better in general.
I know this doesn't directly answer your question but I hope this helps.
Jeremy Watkin
Thank you, @...! I had gotten the impression that AnswerBot didn't pay attention to tags/labels. But if there's some learning that will happen over time, that's great. I know What's App might be a 1-off but we'll see.
Hey @...,
Thanks for sharing your feedback with us.
As Kyle said, there's no direct way to influence the articles that are suggested by Answer Bot based on the customer's specific search queries. However, we do recommend following the tips from our Help Centre article Optimizing your articles for Answer bot. Implementing these tips should improve the bot's performance in the long run and lead to better results.
I have also reached out internally to our Product Manager to provide your feedback. I can confirm that our team is looking at ways to better handle misspelled words, variations and synonyms in the future.
I hope my response gives you a better idea of the possibilities and future plans, but let us know if you have any further questions!