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No Survey Tag


Posted Jul 27, 2021

Hi there,

We have an automation set up to solve tickets out after 7 days of no response.

We have a separate automation setup for CSAT surveys.

When I create a tag nosurvey.

And add that to 

"Contains none of the following" in our CSAT automation - Surveys still go out.

Any help is appreciated!




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Chandra Robrock

Most Helpful - 2021Community Moderator

Based on what you've described for your CSAT automation, I would suspect that any tickets that have the nosurvey tag would not be sent a CSAT survey.

To clarify, would you expect any tickets that are automatically solved via your "solve tickets out after 7 days of no response" automation to have this tag set? If so, have you set an action to that automation to apply the nosurvey tag for those tickets? I couldn't tell for certain based on the information provided in your post. 

If it'd be possible to share a few screenshots of the automations you've setup or even an example ticket which shows the event update that fired the CSAT automation, this would be helpful. Feel free to black out any PII, as needed.


We've found an abundance of tickets stuck in a pending bucket/view that no one knew about that are extremely old and we'd like to nosurvey some of these tickets.

CSAT Automation:

Pending 7 day autosolve Automation:


The way I set up the nosurvey tag, surveys are still going out.


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Chandra Robrock

Most Helpful - 2021Community Moderator

Thanks for passing these screenshots along! Since I’m unable to see the Actions that are being done for each of those automations, would you mind confirming that you have an action to add the nosurvey tag for your Pending 7 Day Autosolve Automation? (Assuming all of those tickets are the ones you’d like to prevent the CSAT from sending, of course! Definitely let me know if I’m misunderstanding.)


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Chandra Robrock

Most Helpful - 2021Community Moderator

In the meantime, I did notice one small thing that you will want to update on these automations specific to the Tags condition. When including multiple tags in Automations, you'll want to use spaces to separate individual tags. It looks like some tags are being separated by a comma, both with and without a space.  

You also shouldn't need to include the nosurvey tag in both the 'Meet all of the following conditions section' and the 'Meet any of the following conditions section.' I'd recommend removing the second "Tags contains none of the following nosurvey" condition from your CSAT automation.


Thanks for the quick response, here's an update!


Here's the other:



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Chandra Robrock

Most Helpful - 2021Community Moderator

Thanks for passing these along! From what I can tell, it doesn't appear that any of these automations are adding the nosurvey tag.

Out of curiosity, how are you adding this nosurvey tag to these older tickets that have been stuck in a pending bucket/view so that Zendesk will know not to send a CSAT survey?

Are you adding the nosurvey tag to these tickets manually and them solving them, or would you expect the nosurvey tag to be added via one of your existing automations?


Good questions!

We'd like to be able to manually add the no survey tag - and when its added for the automation to recognize that and not send out a survey.

Any help or guidance on how to set this up is greatly appreciated.


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Chandra Robrock

Most Helpful - 2021Community Moderator

Got it! Since you're adding that tag manually rather than via a different automation (i.e. your 'Pending 7 days - solve' automation), you should really just need to ensure that the nosurvey tag is added before the ticket is Solved and include a 'Tags contains none of the following | nosurvey' condition in the Meet all of the Following Conditions of your ‘Request customer satisfaction rating (System Automation)’ automation (which I can confirm based on your screenshots that yours does).

From what I can tell, your CSAT automation has been modified correctly (once the commas have been removed from the tags condition) so I suspect that either the nosurvey tag was added too late in the process (i.e. after a ticket was solved for more than 1 day) or perhaps the nosurvey tag is being removed by a different automation/trigger setup in your account. 

If you've checked the Ticket Events for a specific ticket where the nosurvey tag was added to the ticket & still included on the ticket before the CSAT automation was fired, it might be worth reaching out to Zendesk's Support team for further assistance so that they can take a deeper look into this on their end.


Hi Chandra,

That's the issue we are running into. I add the "nosurvey" tag onto a ticket. I have nosurvey added in that automation. But the survey goes out.

Any help is appreciated!


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Chandra Robrock

Most Helpful - 2021Community Moderator

Without being able to see the actual ticket in your instance, it might be a bit difficult to troubleshoot this, which is why Zendesk's Support team might be the better route to go on this one since I'm not seeing anything obvious in terms of how you've setup your CSAT automation. 

If you'd be able to post a screenshot of the Ticket Event update for a recent ticket that had the nosurvey tag and shows the CSAT automation being fired, I might be able to tell something from that screenshot, but totally understand if you'd prefer not to share that screenshot via a public forum. :)

Otherwise, Zendesk's team should be able to better assist with this one since they'd be able to view the events associated with the ticket as well as any logs in terms of new or updated automations that might've taken place during this time. 



When I click on the automation shop webhook trigger this appears:



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Chandra Robrock

Most Helpful - 2021Community Moderator

Thanks for passing along those screenshots! Based on the Ticket Update screenshot you provided, it doesn't look like the 'Request customer satisfaction rating (System Automation)' is being fired. Is there a different Ticket Update that shows that automation being fired with a ticket that has the nosurvey tag, even though it shouldn't be?

In terms of the "Automation::Shop webhook" automation you referenced in your latest post, it looks like the specific target this automation was previously notifying has since been deleted. I believe you may also see this 'No longer available' error if the target was disabled (rather than fully deleted). 


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