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Android: Update Support Annotations

Posted Sep 13, 2021

The latests Android SDKs are still using the old support annotations library. I'd like to remove Jetifier when I build to improve build times. The ZenDesk SDKs are now the only libraries we use that haven't migrated everything to use the Android X apis instead of the old legacy support apis. If you guys could update your dependencies I would greatly appreciate it.




The dependency on support annotations will prevent users from upgrading to Android Gradle Plugin 8.0 when it is released and already leads to annoying warnings with 7.0. Please prioritize this


WARNING:Your project has set `android.useAndroidX=true`, but configuration `debugRuntimeClasspath` still contains legacy support libraries, which may cause runtime issues.
This behavior will not be allowed in Android Gradle plugin 8.0.
Please use only AndroidX dependencies or set `android.enableJetifier=true` in the `` file to migrate your project to AndroidX (see for more info).
The following legacy support libraries are detected:
debugRuntimeClasspath -> com.zendesk:support:5.0.4 -> com.zendesk.suas:suas:1.2.0 ->


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Mick O'Donnell

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Simon & Gabriel,

Thanks for posting this! We've prioritized upgrade work on the Zendesk SDKs to ensure that all of our Android dependencies are up to date, and will have a resolution for this in the next future. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


Hi, Zendesk!

just upgraded my project to 


But, 5.0.9 still depends on support-annotations

  • com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.71828
  • com.zendesk.belvedere2:belvedere:3.0.4
  • com.zendesk:common-ui:4.0.4
  • com.zendesk:messaging:5.2.4
  • com.zendesk:guide:1.0.8
  • com.zendesk:support:5.0.9

To remove legacy support library it needs just to upgrade picasso to the latest 2.8 version.

Do you have plans to do this?

I want to remove Jetifier from my project and zendesk is the one, who use this outdated lib.

Simon messaged regarding this issue almost year ago.


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