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Zendesk iOS SDK push notification
Posted Sep 09, 2021
Hi all, I'm using Zendesk Messaging SDK in my game, and having an issue on push notification.
None of these functions are getting triggered when the agent answered on the ticket although I register remote notifications and update device token to Zendesk SDK. and I did upload the right certificate on the dashboard.
- (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center didReceiveNotificationResponse:(UNNotificationResponse *)response withCompletionHandler:(void(^)())completionHandler
- (void)userNotificationCenter:(UNUserNotificationCenter *)center willPresentNotification:(UNNotification *)notification withCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UNNotificationPresentationOptions options))completionHandler
- (void)application:(UIApplication*)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveLocalNotification:(UNNotificationRequest *)notification
Any ideas why it's not getting called?
Greg Katechis
Hi Dae Chul Jung (Cat Daddy)! APNS issues are notoriously tricky to troubleshoot, so I want to level set by seeing if you've gone through our documentation here. If you haven't, could you walk through that process and let me know if you're seeing any different results? If it's still not working, could you download this tool to confirm that APNS is setup correctly?
Dae Chul Jung (Cat Daddy)
Hi Greg Katechis, I tried to debug down with the tool, and I'm getting hit (the app is running in foreground) when I send the push from the tool, but I'm not getting hit when I send from the Zendesk (have some console logs output from [CONVERSATION_STORE] though, and the SDK is getting right device token according to the logs)
Any ideas on this?
Xinran Wang
Dae Chul Jung (Cat Daddy)
Were you able to figure out this issue? Having the same problem and not quite sure how to debug at this point.
Thomas Fenimoreson
On Zendesk mobile apps, messaging functionality is provided through new Android and iOS SDKs. You can customize and configure an SDK’s appearance and other settings via Admin Center, then provide your developer with a Channel ID that they will need to complete the integration following this official developer documentation.
Creating a new Android or iOS channel for messaging
If you want to configure the Android or iOS SDKs you’ll need to create an Android or iOS channel in the Zendesk Admin Center and assign it to a brand before you can customize and configure it , as described below.
To create a new Android/iOS channel
In Admin Center, click Channels in the sidebar, then select Messaging and social > Messaging.
Click the Add Channel button, then select Android or iOS.
On the Add Android/iOS page, configure each of the sections:
Start with the basics: Enter a channel name, then use the dropdown to select a brand. Click Next.: Enter a channel name, then use the dropdown to select a brand.
Install in your app: You will be presented with the Channel ID that you or your development team can use to install the Android or iOS SDK into your app. You will also be provided with a link to detailed instructions that you and your development team can use to complete the installation. Click Next.
Make it your own: Select a Primary color by entering a hexadecimal number or using the picker. You can refine your color selections later, in the Basics tab. Click Next.
Click Finish. The channel's edit page opens, where you can continue configuring the SDK, or leave it as-is.
Customizing and configuring the Zendesk SDKs for Android and iOS
The Zendesk SDK includes multiple components that you can customize to best represent your business.
To configure messaging for Android or iOS
In Admin Center, click Channels in the sidebar, then select Messaging and social > Messaging.
Hover your cursor over the brand you want to update, click the options icon (), then click Edit.
Click the tab with the components you want to customize. Follow the links below for more detailed information on the options for that tab:
Basics (channel name and flow)
Style (SDK appearance)
Responses (Business hours and bot enablement)
Notifications (Push notification settings)
Authentication (Security settings)
Installation (Channel ID and help center embed)