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Missing tickets updates using incremental export

Posted Feb 15, 2021


since some months, we are using a python script to download support tickets updates using Incremental Export. The script uses cursor-based export.

However, we noticed that sometimes some tickets status are missing. For example, some tickets have "solved" status update without a "new" or "open" one.


Is there a reason for this? Or are we doing something wrong?


Does someone has an example python script for this?






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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi David! Before I jump into the troubleshooting steps for this specific question, can you confirm that the tickets in question were not created and solved at the same time? This is the most likely cause, so I want to rule that out before we dig in further.


Hi Greg,

thanks for replying.

We analyzed the data and yes, actually that was the case. There are tickets that are opened in solved or hold state, just to keep track of activities.

Another case we are trying to manage is about solved but reopened tickets, but seems like taking just the last state does the job.


However, if you have something like a "sample" script just for comparing and be sure that we are managing all possible exceptions/errors it would be nice to see. Here in the forum/documentation I was not able to find it.


Thanks again!  



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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

That is good feedback and I'll see what we can do for this down the road!


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