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Build your first Support app - Part 4: Getting data
Posted Mar 26, 2021
This is a continuing discussion about the article Build your first Support app - Part 4: Getting data in the developer documentation.
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Posted Mar 26, 2021
This is a continuing discussion about the article Build your first Support app - Part 4: Getting data in the developer documentation.
Rene Herrera
Hi Charles Nadeau, I am following your tutorial about Build your first Support app, Part 4.
How can I add to my app a .js code that tells me the CCs users in a ticket?
Bryan Flynn
Hi Rene,
Depending on what you're doing, you'll want to look at either client.get('ticket.collaborators') or the GET /api/v2/tickets/{id}/collaborators.json API. Hope this gets you going!
Boris Yurchenko
I am trying to get two tables, one after the other. Table 1 gets info about the requester, table 2 gets info about the current agent logged in.
My issue is that if I use two adjusted tables, one generated after the other one, the second table would replace the first one. And vice versa, basically at random.
I created two different scripts:
<script id="requester-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<script id="agent-template" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
Each of them adds different information, but that gets replaced.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Bryan Flynn
Hi Boris -- without seeing your code, perhaps you are replacing a "div" with the requester's information, then immediately replacing that same "div" with agent information? OR, maybe you're not chaining/nesting the client.get JavaScript Promise calls correctly?
If you look at this Github gist, you can see it getting requester information, then agent information, then populating a Handlebar template and displaying that information in two different tables (both tables contained in one template).
I hope this helps. If you want to read a bit more about JavaScript Promises and how they behave in the context of Zendesk, check out this article: JavaScript Promises — a Zendesk Introduction
Good luck!
Boris Yurchenko
The code snippet you provided made it really clear. It looks like I used a wrong approach to populating the tables. Now that I customized and extended the example code you provided I can get everything I need.
Thanks a lot!