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Metric formula for Satisfaction date submitted


Posted Oct 04, 2021

Hi all.

I hope you can assist with this :)

What I am trying to do is create a query similar to the "% Satisfaction score (Today) calculated metric. However, I would like to retrieve the satisfaction-scored tickets within a specific time period. Generally the week prior, so in week 40, I would like to pull all of the tickets which received a satisfaction reply from week 39.


Is this possible through the date range calculations or Standard metric calculations?


Thank you in advance!




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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care


Assuming that the last update on tickets from the end user are the CSAT ratings, then you should be able to use the Ticket requester updated date attributes to filter your report. In your example, if you need to pull up the % Satisfaction score of tickets rated on Week 39 of 2021, then you can use the metric % Satisfaction score, and filter your report by Ticket requester Updated - Week of Year

– and Ticket requester updated - Year.

You can adjust the selected date filters selected depending on what period or time frame you need to report on.


Hey Gab.

Thanks for that, however, at times, the requester will update the ticket after they submit a satisfaction survey.

Basically, I will need to have the query pull the date of submission when a requester submits their survey. Would this be possible?


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care


For this, you'll need to build your reports under the Support: Ticket updates dataset, similar to the approach in this Explore recipe: Determine ticket assignee when satisfaction rating is given. You will be using custom metrics built around the default Ticket field changes attributes in the Ticket updates dataset. You need three standard calculated metrics for this. The first metric is for counting updates where a ticket was rated either good or bad. Let's name this one Rated tickets.

IF [Changes - Field name]="satisfaction_score"
   AND ([Changes - New value]="good" OR [Changes - New value]="bad")
THEN [Update ticket ID]

Next is for counting those that were given a good CSAT rating. We'll name this metric Good rating.

IF [Changes - Field name]="satisfaction_score"
   AND ([Changes - New value]="good")
THEN [Update ticket ID]

And, the last one references the two metrics above, calculating the percentage score.

COUNT(Good rating)/COUNT(Rated tickets)

Make sure to set the Display format for this metric to percentage (%).

On your query, use the third custom metric to display the percentage satisfaction score. You can filter the results by any of the Update date attributes. For example, if you filter the report by Update - Week of year and select week 39 –

– then the tickets that will be included in the calculation will be only those that were rated during that period, regardless if the ticket was reopened after the rating was added. These metrics and the Update date attributes look at the date/timestamp of the event, in this case, the actual dates where the CSAT ratings were given by the requester.

Hope this helps.


How do we return the date when the survey was submitted so I can download the report as a CSV file?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Benley,
To retrieve the date when a survey was submitted, you can create a calculated attribute using the Updates History dataset with the following formula:
Calculated Attribute Name: CSAT Timestamp
IF [Changes - Field name] = "satisfaction_score" 
AND ([Changes - New value] != NULL)
THEN [Update - Timestamp]
Next, you can create another calculated attribute using this formula:
DATE_LAST_FIX([CSAT Timestamp], [Update - Timestamp])
Here's how it would look like

I hope that helps!


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