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Having difficulty tracking escalations from Level 1 to Level 2 groups by Agents
Posted Feb 04, 2021
Hi all,
I'm trying to create a chart that tracks escalation by each Level 1 Agent to any Level 2 group and gives me the ticket totals per agent name. I'm using the below custom metric
IF ([Changes - Field name] = "group_id"
[Changes - Previous value]="20621558"
[Changes - Previous value]="23793073"
[Changes - Previous value]="23752086"
[Changes - New value]="20698816"
[Changes - New value]="360004244831")
THEN [Ticket ID]
I'm then sorting by Updater Name in the Rows section. My results are completely off from what I have in insights. Any insight on what I'm doing wrong? My end result here is to track exactly how many tickets an agent has Escalated regardless of any changes made to the ticket after their escalation, by month.
Any help is appreciated!
1 comment
Stephen Belleau
Hey @... - can you share more about what looks different between Insights and Explore? What's off about your results?
As a first guess, I wonder if there needs to be brackets around your AND conditions: