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Attribute members don't show in some visualisation types


Posted Feb 02, 2021

Hi there,

I've been working with this for a few hours and I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, so maybe a bug?

I'm using a 'Group' attribute I've created in a query to report on 4 'member' attributes: Bulk Udpates, Integrations, Investigations, and Other. For some reason, Bulk Updates only shows when it's by itself or combined with 'NULL', but with any of the other three, it disappears on certain visualisations.

If the visualisation type is 'Table', Bulk Updates shows as expected, but in any other type, Bulk Updates disappears.

I thought it might be due to the arrangement of the groups within the attribute so I tried rearranging them but it's still only Bulk Updates that is affected, none of the other three. I tried the settings in all of the chart config and data manipulation areas but no dice. I tried deleting and recreating the attribute, but no effect there either. This is happening across multiple queries using this attribute as well. Even though Bulk Updates doesn't contain any 0 data, I even tried this just in case - no effect.

Here's a video of what's happening. Let me know if I'm doing something wrong or this might be a bug! Thanks a lot in advance!







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Hillary Latham

Community Moderator

When your chart is not in table configuration, check out the "row selector" and make sure all rows are selected.  When using a table format, row selector doesn't come into play, but when graphing anything, it does.

Zendesk has some performance build checks in place to make sure new queries don't return too much data - row selector is one of those.  It's good to show all the time while you are building a query to make sure all rows are selected.  If you  don't like the look, hide it once your queries are built, but know if you change field values or more field values appear in the results, they aren't checked by default, so it looks like data is missing and you have to go back to and enable the row selector and choose all data.

Learn to add "check row selector" to your list of troubleshooting steps.  This one comes up for me often.


Yup, that did it for me! Thanks so much for your help. Screenshot for anyone else who's in the same position of which setting had to be adjusted:




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