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Explore - Format KPI metric as text
Posted Jan 29, 2021
I'm having some issues replicating a report from Insights to Explore and was curious if anyone had come across a similar situation.
I want to display a calculated metric so it displays as text using a KPI visualisation. e.g. >=0.9 would display as "Good" and <0.9 would display as "Not good".
This used to be possible in Insights using the number format editor but I'm hitting a wall trying find a similar solution in Explore.
Hillary Latham
Milton, you will need a combination of tools in Explore to build tis out.
For the coloring, the feature in Explore is under Chart Configuration > Display Format > Advanced. This recipe talks about how to use this feature:
To show good/not good, you will need to create your own metric or attribute with a formula to show good/not good based on your values. There are probably many ways to attack this. I would read up on either "standard calculated metric", "standard calculated attribute" or possibly "result metric calculation." After you pick a method based on your data, let me know if you need further help.
Milton Lobo
Thanks Hilary, I did try those but still haven't managed to quite crack it.
As far as I can tell, the ability to conditionally format a metric only works with a table visualisation. As soon as a different type is selected you lose the option for any advanced formatting. I could live with losing that functionality though, if I could get the next bit working.
I've tried different combinations of the calculated metric and attribute and the closest I've got it to work how I wanted is to use a "result metric calculation" like:
This gives me the % I want but if I try and format this as good/not good using something like the below, it doesn't display anything at all:
I'm guessing because as it's a metric, it's expecting a number value?
Stephen Belleau
I feel like something's not quite right here. I tried several things with formulas but nothing works. This is what I expected to be a solution:
1. It makes sense that metrics are expecting a number value because it forces you to apply an aggregator. So what I tried was to first create a new metric to give us a binary 1 or 0 depending on the value of Score.
That part works fine.
2. Add this metric "Score binary" to the report. Now create a result metric calculation. This is where I would expect to be able to replace our 1 or 0 with "Good" or "Not good", because result metric calculation does not require an aggregator.
I tried all sorts of things. I tried SWITCH/CASE function. I tried STRING to convert the number 1/0 into text 1/0 and then SWITCH/CASE to replace 1/0 with "Good"/"Not good". I tried all of that with REPLACE as well.
No matter what it just looks like there's no way to render a metric as text. Since we could do that in Insights, I really hope this capability gets added (or that there's a solution we haven't figured out yet).
The closest we can get is indeed to follow Hillary's tip with advanced display format. @... not only can you change the color, you can also conditionally add a suffix. So append " - Good" for >= 0.9 or append " - Not good" for <0.9
Yes that's only possible in a table, but you can manipulate the table style. Hide the header to make it a single-cell table, and enlarge the text size to match the KPI size. It's not perfect but it's the best I can come up with ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hillary Latham
For a metric you would need something numeric, 1 or 0. For an attribute, you can use text. Have you tried created this as an attribute? I have many attributes with text - then I can manipulate and sum totals based on the text values.
I'm not sure how to switch the value of a metric to display as text if you need the 'good' and 'not good'. I would either post some feedback to Explore to add this feature similar to Insights ( or start a chat with a Zendesk agent and see if they can help you figure it out.
Milton Lobo
Do you have an example of a similar attribute Hilary? Be interested to see how you've set it up!
Hillary Latham
Sure, Milton. I haven't made an attribute quite like what you are trying to do, but I've made several to try and classify a ticket based on the title and they output text. From here, I can add this attribute to a query and have another metric like Count(Tickets) show me the # of tickets with each value (or with a NULL). This is one of the simpler ones: