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Let me copy the titles and text on Dashboards
Posted Feb 11, 2021
I want to be able to copy text like query names from Dashboards directly. If I see something that looks wrong on a dashboard, I currently take a screenshot, and then keep the image open while I hand type it into the query search. This is a huge time suck to something that should take seconds.
Chris Bulin
CJ Johnson you should be able to edit queries directly from edit mode in Dashboards.
CJ Johnson
Hi Chris,
If I am a viewer, I can't edit Dashboards *or* queries though, which is a problem. I end up having to get screenshots from people who want to ask questions about a specific query on a Dashboard. Even if I am an editor, having to open up the Dashboard Editor, wait for it load, then find the query, and open *that* editor, isn't really any faster than taking a screenshot and manually typing out the name.
Edit: Additionally, this workflow doesn't work unless the Dashboard is shared with me directly, I can't edit a Publicly viewable Dashboard that hasn't explicitly been shared with me, but I can edit those queries.
CJ Johnson
I would still like to see this feature, updating this so it doesn't get closed out.