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Send in bulk email to Zendesk Support/Zendesk sandbox
Posted Mar 03, 2021
I need to create virtual email data for training purpose in Zendesk Support/sandbox (~1k email). I tried using script to send email on behalf my private gmail account, however there is limitation on sending (50 email/24 hours). Is there any ways to send email in bulk to Zendesk with bigger/no limitation ?
1 comment
Cheeny Aban
Tiến Nguyễn
Thank you for posting on our community.
We understand your need to have the capability to send mass emails to Zendesk. However, there is no native way to achieve that at the moment. On the other hand, there are some apps that can be used to send mass email campaigns to end-users in their Support account.
Some apps that you may find in the marketplace are the following
Proactive Tickets
Mailchimp (This app requires that customer lists be enabled in your Zendesk Support account)
Proactive campaign
All the best