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Ticket Tab / side bar possible bug
Posted Oct 04, 2021
The app I'm developing is supposed to pull data from our internal customer database for contact and order info for the ticket requester.
The problem is that I'm getting requester information for each of the ticket tabs that have been opened if I have visited them and hit the iframe/app refresh button. I do not see a way to determine which ticket/application is currently being actively viewed.
Some test code:
const client = ZAFClient.init();
let test = await client.get('instances');
If you refresh the agent workspace with multiple ticket tabs open, it will only display the currently viewed tab. If you hit the the App/Iframe button it still only displays the currently viewed tab. If you click on another tab, it only displays the currently viewed tab. This is the desired result.
Now here's the that leads me to believe that this is not working as intended:
If you click on any of the other ticket tabs and then hit the App/Iframe refresh button, it reports the ticket/requester info for every ticket you've clicked into. Completely refreshing the page fixes it until you start clicking on other tabs and hit the app/iframe refresh button.
Am I missing something, or is this a bug?
Is it possible to disable the app refresh button? That alone would prevent it from happening.
Thanks in Advance!
Sandro Olivieri
I have the same problem: ZAFClient.Init() always gets the last ticket opened.
I'm developing a ticket sidebar app and when I navigate on another ticket tab, the client inizialization gets always the informations of last tickets.
How can I solve the problem?
Eric Nelson
Would you be able to show us how you're initializing the application and interacting with the ticket?
Sumathy (.asia)
I am having the same issue, anyone have a solution for this? Below is the code I use for initializing. Because of this, I am unable to display the correct products for the User. I need an urgent solution for this.
var client = ZAFClient.init();
client.invoke('resize', { width: '100%', height: '320px' });
function(data) {
var user_id = data[''];
requestUserInfo(client, user_id);
Erica Girges
My records indicate the original post may have been a self solved issue which is why a resolution wasn't shared from our end. If you're still having this issue, please let us know and we can create a ticket for you to dig into troubleshooting further.
Sumathy (.asia)
I still have this issue. For my case, when the App refresh button is clicked, the client.get('') does gets the last opened or random ticket id from the multi-tab tickets and displays the product. Due to this issue, I am unable to show the correct products for the ticket user in the side tab.
I have posted it in Zendesk support and they have mentioned that currently there is no way to retrieve a particular instance ticket id when multiple tabs or opened. So, they have added this issue as a product feedback.
DevOps Integration
I am also facing the same issue
Is there any way to resolve the issue