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Same email address in request duplicates ticket messages


Posted Oct 01, 2021

Hey! I have a problem.

I am using zendesk for support in my game.

When a user wants to contact support, he fills in the form fields and I send a POST request to /api/v2/requests.json.

The data in the request is pretty simple.


"request": {
"requester": {
"name": "{{userName}}",
"email": "{{userEmail}}"
"subject" : "Help me!",
"comment": {
"body": "{{userMessage}}"

where userName, userEmail and userMessage are the fields that the user fills in

So the problem is that when a user sends more than 1 message with the same email address, I get different tickets with a text (body) inside, similar to the first message.



User send

"request": {
"requester": {
"name": "John",
"email": ""
"subject" : "Help me!",
"comment": {
"body": "Help me please!"

I receive a ticket with ID 10 and the text "Help me please!"

After that user send another request

"request": {
"requester": {
"name": "John",
"email": ""
"subject" : "Help me!",
"comment": {
"body": "I change my mind"

I receive a ticket with ID 11 and the text "Help me please!"

And all the next tickets with the email address will be new, with a new ID, but with the text “Help me please!”.

Am I doing something wrong?





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Tipene Hughes

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hey @...

Thanks for reaching out!

In the case of updating a request, you’ll need to be using the PUT method together with the request ID. This link will go into a bit more detail:

I hope this helps! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.



Tipene Hughes Thank you for you answer!

But what if I don't want to update an already created ticket and want to create a new ticket with the same email address?

Besides, a new ticket is created with new ID, only the text of the ticket is duplicated.


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Tipene Hughes

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Victor,

That's definitely strange that the comment body would be duplicating on new requests! Would you mind sending me the relevant files so I can take a look at the code? Just be sure to redact any sensitive information.




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