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Zendesk Voice: New call notification through speakers, call through headset


Posted Apr 20, 2012

Our support people don't have their headsets on all of the time and are often flipping between applications -- meaning they don't always have Zendesk on-screen.

To use the audio through the browser, the notification "ring" AND the audio from the caller goes to the Windows default speaker. The Flash configuration pop-up only lets you choose your mic, but not your speaker. So, you can either have that audio go to the computer speaker or to the headset. Here's the problem:

  1. You don't want to wear a headset just for the mic, but have the caller's audio come through the speakers.

  2. If you pick headset as your default Windows speaker, then you don't hear the call notification "ring" unless you're always wearing your headset or always staring at Zendesk -- which we aren't.

That means for us, I can't find a way to use Zendesk voice because there's no good way to know when a call comes in.

Even if the pop-up happened in a way that would come up on the user's desktop, it could work. But it's only in that one browser window that's running Zendesk. If they aren't looking at it, they won't see that, either.

If someone has ideas on how to address this otherwise, let me know, since we'd love to use the voice features!




Hi @...

Maybe you have a direct contact to give us same more information about plans to release such a feature.






A vote from my side as well :(.





Any news on this feature?


We are also struggling with the inability of Zendesk to address different sound outputs to actually hear an incoming Talk call.

To us that's a pretty basic must have for a call software since not every agent has his headset on for 8h straight.

When can we expect a solution?


Any news on this feature?  This is a necessity for our business. 


my vote too, after 7 years... 


Still no updates?


Any update ? 

All I want is that , Call notification is much bigger and placed in the middile of screen 

so agent hardly miss it .




when it rings, it rings from the speak or PC it self first , and they pick the call,

communication wil be made throughout headset


Update? Time line? Your last comment on this was six months ago. I would really like to know when this feature will be released.


awaiting update on this issue. 

Our support /customer service team really needs this ring outloud in the office 


Any Updates on this feature request?


Kannst du hier ein Update / Zeitplan publizieren?

Or copy it from another cloud phone solution :-)


This comment has been edited by the Zendesk Community Team to remove personal contact information, per our Community Code of Conduct


Any updates on this?  I have some members of my team who never hear their Zendesk Talk phone ringing via the browser.



I would also be very interested to see when this will be available, we just switched to ZD talk and are finding a lot of nuisances with the system that is making this transition a bit hard 


It's a very good additional feature for ZD to stand out. In fact I hope ZD can develop to become a Window App


Dear Zendesk Team,

is there any udpate?

Is it possible to have pop up on desktop when imcoming call rings? Or is it possible the imcoming call rining tone over speaker? The best is both of them pop up notification + rining tone over speaker. 

Otherwise, we have to wear headset all the time. 

Thanks a lot!


Dear Pia Lai

If you use chrome you can allow your browser to notify incoming calls by a pop-up.

Here you can ad zendesk: chrome://settings/content/notifications


Dear Michael Rieder,

thank you so much. I will try it!







Is there any updates on the timelines for this to be rolled out given that we are at end of 3rd quarter for 2022?



Joey Barrett

Any news here?

Joey Barrett
Zendesk Product Manager

Update for 2022 

Hi All, 

We see a lot of value in implementing this feature. 

We are currently exploring how we can get this to market quicker considering our current roadmap priorities, I will endeavour to update this post in 60 days on next steps




Any news on this feature?




Please give an update!


Is there any update on this? It's been well over 60 days since the march 22 update. 10 years since the feature request. 


image avatar

Ben Wilcox

Zendesk Luminary

So we're over 10 years from when this was requested and there were promised responses.  Can we get an update to where this is on the roadmap?  Is it on 2023's, for example?  Would love to see this.


We've just migrated to ZenDesk talk this morning, and my team ran headlong into this without warning, having been used to Avaya. Not that we liked Avaya, but at least dedicated phone software did this...

Looks to me like the Zendesk rep who responded last year may no longer have an active account, so I'll go ahead and tag someone who commented on this in [checks notes] 2018. @... is there any sort of update on this?  


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