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timestamp - update tickets according to custom ticket fields
Posted Jun 21, 2021
Hi team!
I am trying to get times (min) since a ticket is updated from a custom ticket variable.
In this case, I have a "step" variable that determines what state the ticket is in (within the Pending State).
Is there any way to see how many minutes have passed since the Step ticket parameter has been updated?
Many thanks for your support!
Gab Guinto
Hi Marga,
For this, first create a custom date attribute (under the Ticket updates dataset) to pull up the timestamps for when that field was updated. Here's the formula:Then, build a custom metric to measure the number of minutes between today and those timestamps (from the custom attribute that you just created).
Hope this helps. Thanks Marga!
Margarita Obrador Almodóvar
Hi @...
Thank you very much for this! it helped me to get closer to the desired data. with this, what I would need is to be able to get the average (in minutes) since a ticket was created until it got to step Sent (for example) rather than see the minutes that have passed since each update of this variable. Is there a possibility to modify these formulas to achieve this?
Again, thank you very much for your help
Gab Guinto
Hi Marga,
For this, you'll first need to build custom attribute to pull up the timestamp for when the field value was set to Sent. Example:Then, the formula for the metric should look this:
When you add this metric in your query, use the aggregator AVG to calculate for the average across multiple tickets.
Margarita Obrador Almodóvar
Hi @...
Thank you very much!
I am reviewing the data thanks to these new metrics and I wanted to know if I have a way to get the average of the first time this Ticket field has been modified to the desired Tag? instead of getting the average of all the updates. for example, a ticket that has had several changes in this variable and has passed several times through the value we are interested in, but we only want to see when it was the first time (not the subsequent changes).
Thank you very much for your support on this. It's been a great help
Gab Guinto
Hi Marga,
If you need to identify the event where a value was first set/selected for a ticket field then you can use the condition [Changes - Previous value]=NULL. Example:
This should give you the timestamp of the update when a value was first selected for that field, assuming that once a value has been set, you do not place the field back to a blank value. You can then use the timestamp from this attribute to calculate the duration using DATE_DIFF function.