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Zendesk Chat Status Not in Explore


Posted Mar 23, 2020

Hi, I would like to see a metric that shows the Chat Zendesk status duration for an agent. This would calculate how many seconds / minutes / hours an agent spent in Online / Away / Invisible status during a specified time period. This exists in Chat Analytics, but is nowhere to be found in ZD Explore.




Agreed this is needed from a reporting aspect and is a key metric for any call center. I'm unsure as to why it isn't added in Explore as it was easily accessible in Insights.


Hi ZD Team - this request was posted wayback March 2020 and it looks like no one cares to respond or acknowledge the importance of this request. 

Can we possibly request this to be added in Explore instead of Chat Analytics which isn't helpful at all. 


Hi everyone, check John Costello's response in this thread: Agent "Total Online Time" reporting


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