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Explore Datasets
Not Planned
Posted Mar 22, 2019
We are finding Explore to be fairly restricted as you aren't able to compile reports with mixed datasets. For example:
We would like to be able to build a report that will track the following:
- Ticket ID
- SLA policy
- In SLA
- Outside of SLA
- Time spent in ticket status New
- Time spent in ticket status Open
- Time spent in ticket status Pending
- Time spent in ticket status On-Hold
Bullet points 1 and 5 - 8 are all metrics in the Ticket Updates Dataset and 1- 3 are in the SLA's dataset. We have been told by Zendesk Support the above would need to be created as two separate reports. This is really disappointing, as this report can be produced in Insights with the [Text Field] Duration in minutes metric and also an SLA metric.
Could you please confirm if it's on the development plan to allow for datasets to overlay in a single report?
Eugene Orman
Hi everyone, thank you very much for voting and sharing your use cases on this post.
The ability to join reports from different datasets is something we are excited to work on. However, it is hard to prioritise a large project like this. It is not on our roadmap currently. We will let you know when we add it to our roadmap.
Vincent Dollet
Hi Kerry,
Thanks for reaching out.
Just to be sure, can you please confirm you are interested in pulling a list with:
Kind regards
Kerry Charlton
Hi Vincent,
Yes, we would like to be able to build a report with the metrics/attributes listed.
Kind Regards
Chris Bulin
We would like to build a report that shows Total Time Spent, Avg Time per Ticket, and Avg Time Per Update for tickets that have 0 or 1 agent reply. Unfortunately, agent replies and ticket timing are in two different datasets so I'm unable to build that report.
Michael Blakley
I would like a single combined SLA achievement across channels. I can do Talk (even though there are no Policies there), and then I can combine the other channels in a Policy, but can't do an aggregate.
I would like to have datasets for Guide available in Explore - I'd like to know the following:
- How long people spend on one article page
- Which articles lead to ticket creation
- Which search term leads to ticket creation.
- Which articles are most popular (removing internal IP addresses)
- All the data from the reporting section under 'knowledge base' and 'search' but configurable in Explore. Not only for better visibility, but also for efficiency so that all dashboards and reports can be in one place.
Nicolas Gorga
+1 vote to have this funcionality
+1 for Guide datasets to get more insights into the knowledge base articles and community forum usage.
Johny Einarsson
I concur with above wishes for Guide metric integration into Explore.
Kerry Charlton
We have a requirement to review backlog tickets based on tag and organisations within a single report, I have logged a ticket and am keen to understand if it is possible to use multiple datasets.
Joel Mayer
+1 to create a metric from multiple datasets, or possibly create a single new dataset extracting key data from multiple existing datasets.
Jason Katz
+1 on Guide availability in explore. I want to know metrics on internal and external visitors to the page. How many agents are viewing Guide and how many articles are they viewing?
Kelly Cashin
+1 for combining data sets.
+1 for Guide and search data in Explore.
Or at least the ability to export data from Reporting tab in Support and upload to Explore.
The Explore interface is easily Zendesk's best feature to work with. Extremely user-friendly. But this is capability is a pretty big miss.
Hope to see it added soon!
+1 for Guide and search data in Explore!
Julie Foster
+1 for combining Datasets
+1 for Guide and Search in Explore
I need to show the Average ticket age with KB article linked V's the average ticket age without a KB article linked.
Kristin Bouveng
Another use case for combining datasets:
We are interested in measuring First Reply Time per agent, which isn't accurate using Support: Tickets dataset, as a lot of our tickets are first handled by Agent A, then passed over to Agent B who solves it. So if I report on FRT per assignee, Agent B would have the FRT that 'belongs to' Agent A.
This is a really important KPI for us and makes it difficult to manage on a more granular level, when we can't accurately report on it.
We also need to cross two datasets: Tickets and SLAs. In this case I consider this to be a BUG. Explore is not reporting correctly which agents solved interactions within the first response and next responses SLAs. Since these SLAs exist, we understand Explore should be able to show which agents solved each interaction and not the whole ticket. So if you allow for SLAs at interaction level and not only Ticket level, Explore should be able to track the agents performance based on interactions for clients who might have up to 6 different agents participating in the same ticket to improve Customer Experience.
If anyone is interested in this feature we can provide custom real-time reports integrated in Zendesk using Zendesk API so we can cross any data source, including search, column sorting, excel download or excel periodic mailings.
Here there's an example showing real SLA when different agents interact with the same ticket, since this is not possible in Zendesk Explore.
Mary Paez
We are comparing tickets with KB and tickets without to see if tickets with KB have a shorter processing time. But the data does not seem correct. Can you give us an idea how we can do this?
"compare the average resolution time against tickets that had a link and tickets that did not"
the tickets with KB are appearing to take longer that tickets without. We are not sure why