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Moderate Community
Posted Apr 02, 2014
We are looking into launching the community portion of Help Center to our client base. I am trying to figure where our agents can go to manage new content including questions, tips and ideas. Is there a central location to see all new content? Ideally we would go to this central place to review new content including comments and then mark as reviewed when ready. Is this something we will manage from the Agent Portal or from the Help Center?
Devan La Spisa
Hello everyone,
We want to announce that this product feature is now live and a part of Gather! Thanks to everyone who helped drive us to this launch with your feedback, testing, and suggestions. If you have any feedback on this or features unique to Gather, please feel free to post in our new Gather Product Feedback forum. For more information on this live feature, feel free to look into this article detailing all of the new features and capabilities!
Gather Product Feedback
Announcing Zendesk Gather
Best regards!
Andrea Saez
Hi Emily,
The new Community in HC will be launched soon. I'm sure there will be a post about it :) Keep your eyes open!
Emily McDaniel
Ah ha okay! Thanks for the reply.
Brian Kincaid
I have recently taken on the task of moderating our Community and was required to "follow" about 300 topics that we had migrated over to the new HC in order to watch the activity. I am not aware of a system feature that allows a user (or admin) to request they be emailed for "all new topics" or "all new comments" or "notified for all activity" so that the process is simple. I'm looking forward to some improvements so that we can drive more people into our site on a more regular basis.
You're right there is no feature to automatically notify a specific person (or set of people) about new content in the Community. The closest would be subscribing a dedicated email address to all topics, which I realize is not easy. You might be able to automate this using the API:, though I haven't looked too deeply into this.
Apart from that, this is something the Product team will address along with other Community improvements.