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Call for feedback - Zendesk Guide Communities research initiative
Posted Aug 31, 2018
Hey everyone,
The Zendesk Guide team is looking to start doing some additional research around our Communities feature. We’re hoping to start work on improvements in 2019. As part of this, we’re hoping to start preliminary research and talk with customers about what they want out of the Guide community platform.
If you have a community on Zendesk Guide, a community on another platform, or are looking to build a new community, we are very interested in talking to you.
The interview will take 20 minutes and contains some very basic questions about the Zendesk community platform and community building in general.
Sign up for an interview through this link:
If you have any questions, the time slots don’t fit your schedule, or anything else please post below!
Dan Ross
Hi Oscar,
We're definitely interested in a meeting, but it seems your Calendly is not a fan of people meeting in Eastern time. We love Zendesk, but we've got limits ;). Are the appointments just super popular, or is the a bug with your calendar system? We're available on Thursday, sometime between 9:30am->12pm, if that works for Zendesk.
Oscar Junker
Hi Dan,
I have gone ahead and added some more time slots for you on Thursday, so you should be able to book something after 9:30.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Maggie Ungerboeck
Are you still looking for people to interview? We have a huge company initiative around further expanding our community and would be happy to participate in your information gathering if it's still open!
Maggie Ungerboeck
Dane K
Hi Oscar,
Your link is no longer valid, and this is a Pinned post in your Community. Are you still gathering feedback and doing interviews, or is this a stale thread?
Steven Knox
Alive or dead?
Kasper Sørensen
Hi all, sorry for the late replies from our side. And thank you for showing interest. We are currently not looking for more respondents to this research.