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Attach PDF to Community Posts and Comments

Posted Jul 19, 2018

Hi all,

My understanding is that agents and customers can only attach images. Please let me know if that is not true.

I would like to provide our customers with an option to attach .PDF reports to their posts and comments on our Community and want to ensure that I didn't miss a setting or permission that determines which file formats agents and customers can upload to Community posts and comments.

I looked for a similar post on the Community about this topic but didn't see one that caught my attention. Feel free to let me know if there is already an ongoing discussion about attaching .PDF files to Community posts and comments.





I would also like to know if this is possible



We also hear the following requirements from our customers:

  • attach files like pdf, videos etc. 
  • directly embed YouTube videos instead of a link


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Thanks for the feedback, Robert. Definitely understand the need - we'd love to be able to embed videos in posts ourselves. :) Would you want both agents and end-users to be able to attach/embed all of these file types, or just agents?


Hi Nicole,
both would be great...


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Ok, thanks for clarifying, Robert! We'll make sure the product manager is aware of this request.


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Kasper Sørensen

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all,

I'm the product manager for Gather. Just wanted to let you know that video embedding is on our radar for sure. We are investigating what would be the best way to prevent unwanted content from popping up in the community as well as moderation and white-listing as ways to approve it.

Full disclosure - attaching PDFs is a bit further down the priority list, but we're listening to your requests.



I'm intersted in getting an update on this topic. We allow our customers to upload sample projects which include files types other than images (such as pdf, text and zipped files) to our existing community, however that's not possible in Gather. Attaching PDFs was down on the priority list 2 years ago, has it moved up at all and are other file types included in that list now?




I am also interested in an update on this. We are using Gather internally and our customer service team would like the ability to add wav audio clips to posts. 


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