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Adding labels (e.g. tags) to posts
Posted Apr 08, 2015
Are there any plans to add a labels field when you add a post -- similar to how you can currently add a label to an article in knowledge base?
If this feature were available, then moderators could "tag" community posts and make them more searchable without altering the title or post content. Thanks!
Kasper Sørensen
Hi everyone,
I'm excited to share that we've released Content tags which addresses the feature that this thread describes!
Go read the announcement here
Christian Colding
Hi Brenda,
It's not something we are currently working on, but we've seen the request before. Great to see you've created it here. I've moved it to our Product Feedback topic, so that others can comment and vote on it.
Brenda L.
Thanks Christian!
Larisa Moore
We miss the ability to tag threads in the Community, as we could in Web Portal! This was a helpful feature for us when multiple threads were created about a broken feature, because we could then easily find all the threads to update them when the feature was fixed. We just fixed some things that had been broken for a few weeks and agents are having to scroll through all our many threads to find which ones to update.
Michael Jardine
It seems really strange to me, to not have labels for community posts. How else can we build a knowledge base?
Christian Colding
Hi Michael,
I am curious about your latest comment. You write that you need labels in Community to build a Knowledge base. At Zendesk we usually differentiate between Community and Knowledge base as two distinct features/products, so I am wondering how you think labels in Community would help you to build a better Knowledge base?
Jennifer Robichaux
We're in the process of restructuring how we handle feature requests internally. As part of this process, our Product Team would like to be able to tag community posts with IDs that relate to tickets in our developers' queues.
As far as I know, the only way to have this information searchable right now would be to add a note to the original post. Since the IDs are nonsensical to our users, this would be a very clumsy solution.
In short - it would be great for us to be able to tag community posts and have those tags concealed from end-users. Thanks!
Michael Jardine
HI Christian, let me give you an example of our needs. Maybe I am not fully understanding how the product works:
We collect information from our customers in the form of their help desk tickets. We also collect feedback from them - particularly now, at the beta stage of a new product. We have asked them to just send us an email with their comments, because we have found that some people are hesitant to 'ask stupid questions' in an open forum. So we are collecting both feedback, and genuine issues/questions, in our ticketing system.
What we would then like to do is tag each ticket with the specific issue or category that it refers to, so that we can a) get a visual on which issues are most problematic, and b) start to convert those issues into either "Fixes" or "Explanations".
We have used zendesk macros in the past for creating quick responses (these are particularly helpful for our agents who are not fluent in English) but those become unwieldy unless there is some integrated way to organize them.
I think this also speaks to Larisa's comment above, which we too would find very helpful.
Mark Fly
This exact ( well almost) function used to be in place with the old Web Portal and was extremely useful when providing feedback to our development team. We find ourselves with hundreds of articles we have to manually edit content on. This, as Jennifer stated previously, is very clumsy and ad-hoc.
Was this an oversight by development?
Is there anything on radar to address this?
What is the best workaround?
David Rubinstein
Is there an update on this?
As we are working on building our community for product feedback, this feature is crucial for our Product Managers to be able to tag product feedbacks and also prioritize.
I would tag this as |community_posts| |very_important|.
@Christian can you please update?
Stephanie Westbrook
+1 for the option to be able to add labels/tags to community posts. We just launched a Product Feedback section and labels would be a great way to let PMs easily filter for posts related to the areas they manage vs. us having to try keep an updated list of which posts are related to their area of focus.
Peter Andersen
I would love this too. Have the exact same issues as all other great users here.. :-)
Hope zen dev team will do some great magic super soon ;-)
Kristin Town
Tags would be super helpful. It would allow our posts to be organized without having to have different "topics." Also, since we support essentially 3 different products, it will allow us to quickly differentiate between the posts that apply to one or all three of our products.
Reshma Patel
+1 for this. I have the same need/request. I hope this is something you get added.
Sean Needham
+1, We'd like this feature too.
Mark Fly
We have been without this much needed feature for over 3 years now after using it successfully in the old Web Portal. It is very unfortunate that the only option is to utilize the API to accomodate the needs.
Is tagging , or some other form of it, going to be added to Community or not?
Nicole Saunders
EDITED 9/12/18
Update: We have received word that development on the Communities platform may be reopened in 2019.
Hey Mark and Sean,
Unfortunately the answer to your question is no. There are no plans to further develop the Community platform at this time.
For more info, check the thread "What is the future of Zendesk Community"
Dana Creal
+1 for this. I have the same need/request. I hope this is something you get added
Nicole Saunders
Thanks for adding your voice, Dana. If you haven't already, please be sure to use the voting arrows on the original post.
Oscar Junker
Hey everyone, my name is Oscar and I am the Product Manager for the Zendesk community product.
I am aware of this request and have included this thread as well as individual feedback we have gotten in my research.
I definitely expect that we will make improvements to adding tag/labels and organizing content - but we currently do not have it on the short term roadmap so I can't give any specific timeline.
I will keep this thread updated - in the meantime please continue to vote and voice your opinion, it does genuinely matter.
Mike Davis
Thanks for the update, Oscar. We are just getting our feet wet with Zendesk Community and definitely would like to voice our desire to have this ability.
Bhanu Gandham
Any progress on being able to tag posts? If not, does anyone have a customizable workaround?
Dasha Gurova
+1 Tags for community posts! :)
Kasper Sørensen
Also see the Enable Additional Status Categories post. Very similar.
Maggie Ungerboeck
Hi All,
Wanted to add my use case to this request as tagging posts would be a huge benefit to our organization. We'd use it for two purposes:
Fingers crossed this helps build the case for the need for this functionality!
Nicole Saunders
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback, Maggie. :) We'll be sure to pass this along to the product manager.
Kasper Sørensen
Hi everyone,
Wanted to let you know that we are working on a solution here. We are so far calling it "Content tags". The idea we are working on is that content tags should be applicable to many kinds of content - articles, community posts and even external content from our federated search feature. That way content tags can be used to connect and group various types of content, let users filter and search based on this, and ease the cross-navigation between these as well.
Guide admins will have the ability to manage content tags, and apply them to content as well. Authors of posts will also be able to apply tags to their own posts.
Your feedback on this subject is very welcome! I look forward to being able to share more details as we get closer to having a working solution.
Reshma Patel
Kasper Sorensen I am excited to finally see some sort of tagging option for communities. We have been asking for it for over 4 years. Do you have any sort of tentative timeline on when we may see that or perhaps when an EAP would be available?
Kasper Sørensen
Hi Reshma Patel
No guarantees, but we expect to have our first version of this in Q1 2022. This first version will allow agents to apply content tags. End users will not have this capability yet, but they will be able to see the tags and click through to the search screen where the tag will be applied as a filter. The tagging system will be the same for articles and community posts.
Ron de Vries
Hi @...
Q1 is half way done, any updates you can share about this? :)