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Linked Ticket App - official feature request thread
Zendesk Employee
Posted Mar 24, 2020
This is the official feedback topic for the Linked Ticket app. Please refer to the guidelines on feedback posts for Built by Zendesk apps ( before posting here. We’ll try our best to check this and respond to your queries. Thank you for taking a moment to submit your feedback!
If you're looking for information on setup or use, please see the instruction article here:
Qendrim Ramadani
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
Gerne würde ich nachfolgenden Punkten bezüglich Kommunikation Ticket Linked Ticket nachfragen:
Ist es möglich bei einem Haupt Ticket mehrere Linked Ticket oder Kommunikation Ticket zu erstellen. Dies ist für uns sehr wichtig da wir ab und zu, zu einem Haupt Ticket mehrere Offerten einholen.
Kann man das Kommunikation Ticket so einstellen das man beim generieren Daten Hochladen kann. Momentan müssen wir das Kommunikation Ticket erstellen und in einem zweiten E-Mail die Daten senden.
Freundliche Grüsse
Qendrim Ramadani
ETH Zürich
Steffen Lehmann
That would be interesting for us as well. is there any option to us more than one linked ticket to a parent ticket? Thanks a lot.
Is there a way to have it where when creating a new linked ticket the first comment is an internal comment versus a public one?
Trying again... Is there a way to have it where when creating a new linked ticket the first comment is an internal comment versus a public one?
Trying yet again... Is there a way to have it where when creating a new linked ticket the first comment is an internal comment versus a public one? Or at least provided with the option of which type of reply it will be?
Kolten Kittleson
First off I am sorry that this post didn't get a follow up sooner! Currently the option to toggle within the app a difference between internal and public commenting isn't possible, but I would be happy to do some more user research to see if this request is something we could explore.