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Select an Address app - official feature request thread

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Tiffany Green

Zendesk Employee

Posted Mar 13, 2020

This is the official feature request topic for Select an Address. Please refer to the guidelines on feedback posts for Built by Zendesk apps ( before posting here. We’ll try our best to check this and respond to your queries. Thank you for taking a moment to submit your feedback!

If you see a feature mentioned here by someone else, feel free to upvote it if it's a feature you would also find useful!

If you have questions on how to setup and use Select an Address, you can find the instructions here:





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Tiffany Green

Zendesk Employee

Jordan - would the feature introduced with the paid tier give you the functionality you're looking for? It allows you to set a default based on a group, as well as narrowing the allowed emails per group.



We have multiple support addresses (over 100) - what we would find useful is that the app will automatically select the email address we are going to send our support request from based on the group / assignee on the ticket. 

We're aware this does it automatically for inbound tickets and you can filter down the support email address through JSON and relevant groups that user is in but for us the agent still has multiple addresses to select from each time. 

Our particular issue is with raising Zendesk tickets proactively to the customer. 



Hi Team,

We just upgraded our Select an Address app (Basic Plan now) and there are a couple of things that might be a deal breaker. Perhaps there is already a solution for it but I could not find it.

We have several support views and different teams, so we all have now only our email, which is great but also:  

1) Every time an Agent Opens the ticket, it updates it "This email will be sent from", updating the ticket and therefore changing the update time. This confuses things unfortunately as then the tickets are not in the right order. 

2) Now when we create an internal ticket for another team and press "New", the ticket defaults back to the queue of the agent and it does not go to the correct place. 

The workaround is to create the ticket as Open, but this didn't happen before and now it does.

Is there any feedback you can provide me with? Issue 2 I know is due to the mailing filters we have but I don't seem to be able to find the correct trigger. 

Thank you for your help with this.



Hi @...,

Thanks for posting your question here.   On item number 1, are these tickets being created from the Help Center?  I am going to create a support ticket on your behalf so that we can look into this in more detail.



We just upgraded to the Basic plan so that upon ticket creation we could default a send from address based upon the group that the creator of the ticket is in. My understanding after contacting the advocacy team is that the Basic Plan does not apply during the ticket creation step and only on tickets that are not generated via email. Nowhere in the documentation about this app is that clarified which is misleading, making our upgrade completely pointless. We have 50+ support addresses with regional defaults and categorization to align with our user groups. Is there any plan to clarify this, or can this be developed to function as described during the step of creating tickets in the support app?

For our company this would have a very high business impact especially as we onboard larger numbers of clients. 


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Tiffany Green

Zendesk Employee

@... Hi! -

It's possible there may have been some miscommunication when you talked with our advocacy team. The default based on groups does work for tickets created via the +Add button at the top of the screen. Is that what you meant by ticket creation step? The app also works on tickets that come in via email, as the app is triggered as soon as an agent enters a ticket.

Or were you referring to the mobile app? Unfortunately, none of the marketplace apps work in the mobile app.

Hopefully that helps clarify, but let us know if you have further questions or clarifications.



EDIT/UPDATE: I am not quite sure what happened but I subscribed again and gave it another go and it miraculously worked. I don't know if I had an error in my JSON that I was missing... or what. Perhaps there was a delay despite refreshing, who knows. 

When I initially I tested it out while using the (+)Add button at the top of the screen and it did not function at all, but it started displaying updates on existing tickets. I was informed that it specifically does not work during the ticket creation step when I called in to address. I initially cancelled our subscription as a result, but I might be ok here. 


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Tiffany Green

Zendesk Employee


Glad to hear it's working for you now! It may have been an issue of it not updating immediately. That happens rarely, but it has happened.

Thanks for updating your comment!


Hi, we are creating ticket via APIs and we would like to know if there is an option to combine your solution with Zendesk create ticket API?



Hi Itamar,

If you use the API to create a ticket and set the status as New, when an agent opens the ticket for the first time the mapping of default address in the setting should apply at that point.  This only works on tickets with a New status so make sure they a being set that way and it should work.



Hi Tiffany,

I hope you are well! You helped us a lot when installing the app last year! Thank you. After months of using it we got use to the email changing to the Default when an agent was entering a ticket. 

For a few months now, this feature stopped. The Support Team has been helpful in helping me with this case, however the feedback is that the app was never meant to work that way (so updating the default email when entering a ticket). 

This is very confusing and is causing lots of issues as the email is no longer changing and we are sending email from the wrong user groups.

Can you help us with this? Thanks


Hi Fabian,

I went ahead and created a ticket for this so we can take a look.



「select an address」についていくつか意見があります。
1. 二人のエージェントが同じチケットを開いた場合、片方が「select an address」の内容を変更しても、もう一人の画面上のアプリパネルでリアルタイムで表示されません。

2. トリガで「select an address」の内容を条件として設定できるようにしてほしいです。

3. ビューで「select an address」の内容を表示できるようにしてほしいです。
Exploreでの属性も「select an address」を追加してほしいです。


Google Translate:

There are some opinions about "select an address".

1. If two agents open the same ticket, even if one changes the content of "select an address", it will not be displayed in real time on the app panel on the other one's screen.
Please reflect this in real time.

2. I want you to be able to set the content of "select an address" as a condition in the trigger.

3. I want you to be able to display the contents of "select an address" in the view.
Because I want to check which ticket was replied with which email address in the list,
I want you to add "select an address" to the attribute in Explore, too.


Hi 👋

Feature request: The ability to have an email address automatically select based on a particular macro would be really handy for agents that are part of multiple groups that create outbound emails from macros.



Feature Request: In Paid Version, it is required that there must be a default address.   We have many groups that support multiple vendors and thus multiple address, therefore having a default address causes the Agent to not have to select an address that corresponds with the correct vendor they are servicing.  When this occurs it causes confusion with address used containing the wrong vendor.  Therefore we want the Agent to deliberately have to select an address since no default exists.

We request to make the Default Address optional.  In these cases where no default address exists, if the Agent forgets to select an address, give an error message that an address must be selected before Ticket can be created/saved.


Hey Everyone,

this app is no longer a paid app. All built by Zendesk apps are now free. :)





To echo Phil, having the sender field from Select an Address macroable would be incredibly helpful! 


HI everyone – as a reminder, please upvote product feedback threads you're interested in. Thanks!


How many votes does it take for something to be considered? 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Nathan, 

There's not a set threshold at which a request is considered, but conversations with more votes have more visibility. The assumption is that more votes means more users are interested in a certain feature, and features that have the impact on the most users get higher priority. 


From the article Installing and using the Select an Address app:

If an agent is part of multiple groups, the app uses the primary group for the mapping of default address for new tickets created directly in Support, or if an existing ticket with a New status is opened by the agent.  To apply this mapping to all open tickets, see the section: Applying default email address to all open tickets.

Our organization would like to being able to disable this feature and, instead, use the email address that has been mapped to a group in the app settings. I think every organization that has agents in multiple groups -I'm sure there are many- would appreciate this. 


I'm wondering if anyone knows what Ticket API field this app uses to change the support address of a ticket? Instead of configuring this app, I'd like to setup a Trigger to change the support address upon ticket creation, which calls an API update for the ticket (following the SweetHawk example documentation).


I'm sure it's `recipient`


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Greg Katechis

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

I can't speak with certainty as to what is being used in the app, but Nathan is right that it's very likely the recipient property when creating or updating a ticket.


Ryan P. We use this all the time since we get multiple requests into different group email addresses and wish to standardize them and consolidate them even while using Select an Address App.

To do this, create a put webhook target with{{}}.json

Then inside the trigger (we check the "received at" addresses we want to consolidate)

place this json body

{"ticket": {"recipient": ""}}

Just realize this webhook will fire concurrently with any triggers and I have seen it be the last thing that executes due to timing of triggers vs API calls.


Have any of the suggestions in this thread been implemented? 


Feature Request: A setting to prevent the pop-up you get when creating a new ticket when you have the Select an Address app.

For agents who often use the same address, the pop up does not add value. It's just a pop-up message they'll get each time they create a new ticket. One way I could see this working is a 'Don't show me this again' button on the pop-up that sets a cookie or user field.


Ref; 10861990

It would be grate that if the default group address automatically set when tickets are moved between groups as the app does not seem to do this.

When a ticket is moved from group X into group Y, agents that are part of group Y will see a blank select address as they don't have access to group X address.

I believe this to be a bug.


Hi Jordan Prangnell, Erica Sutherland, Phil Andrews, Lorenzo, Nathan Purcell,
since we also have 150+ support addresses, we were dealing with the exact same issue.
We created an app for us to solve this issue once and for all. If you want it too, check it out here:

Here are some features we integrated:
- Automatically use the correct email sender, depending on the agent's user group
- Restrict sender email based on user-agent group
- Warn the user when submitting a ticket with the default address, if the default address is not allowed for his group
- Based on your sender address, specific Tags will automatically be added
- Search for the support address associated with your ticket
- Easy & fast – you don't need to scroll through the Dropdown

Feel free to try it for 30 days for free:

And let me know what you think or if you have any suggestions to improve it!



Got to say though, "Automatically use the correct email sender, depending on the agent's user group" is close, but no cigar. 

If you can work it based on the ticket's group then you win. 


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