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Convert metric to percentage
Posted Jul 03, 2021
Hi all,
I've built a report with metric & attribute as attached image.
As the result, report will show bracket for FRT in 1 month as below example:
Bracket | #ticket |
- No replies | 5 |
- 0-1 hours | 20 |
- 1-8 hours | 4 |
- 8-24 hours | 3 |
- >24 hours | 1 |
Is there any way to convert number of tickets into bracket percentage like this:
Bracket | %ticket |
- No replies | 15.15% |
- 0-1 hours | 60.61% |
- 1-8 hours | 12.12% |
- 8-24 hours | 9.09% |
- >24 hours | 3.03% |
Chandra Robrock
Hey Edwin - You should be able to accomplish this by using a Result Manipulation > Result Path Calculation. You'll want to select the % of Total pattern and calculate it based on the Rows in this case.
CS Agent
Hi Chandra,
I've followed your instruction, however the result does not seem as I expected: total does not equal 100%. Note: I have added some filters to exclude some tickets, does it impact to the result?
Chandra Robrock
I don't believe filters have an impact on the results you'd be seeing, but it's a bit difficult to know for certain without being able to see exactly how you've built this query. I haven't been able to reproduce this in my own instance and have some filters applied to the Ticket Created - Month & Ticket Created - Year rows, since it looks like those two rows are being filtered in some way based on your first screenshot.
Another thing you could try would be to select 'On specified attribute' for the Path and then select the 'First reply time brackets' attribute to see if that gets the results you're looking for.
If that doesn't do the trick, would you mind sharing some more screenshots / details about how you've set this query up?
CS Agent
Hi Chandra,
I've known the difference. In the Path of "on a row" selected, it will calculate % off all rows. It means if my report has the filter by months (as screenshot), it will calculate % of total 9 rows. In this case, just follow your latest instruction with selecting the Path of "On specified attribute", it will calculate by right attribute I want :)
May I ask 1 more question for this report? In some months, all the tickets we replied below 24hrs, as the result report will not show the row ">24 hrs" accordingly. Is there any way to config to show all value of "FRT brackets", include the value = 0 (>24hrs)?
Chandra Robrock
Ah, yes! In that case, you'll definitely want to use the On Specified Attribute approach. Your original screenshots just showed the FRT Bracket & Count of Ticket fields as the end result, so that's what my original recommendation was based on. :)
In terms of your other question, I'm not sure if there would be a way to achieve this without changing your query slightly. For instance, you could move the First Reply Time Brackets attribute to the Columns section and then follow the steps outlined under the 'Queries with attributes on columns and rows' header of this help article:
The end result would look something like this: