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Please Undo the Visual Changes to New Queries
Posted Jun 24, 2021
Halfway through my workday, my queries became monochrome and extremely hard to read. I reached out to Support, who had no idea why, but eventually was able to tell me this change is intentional and permanent, and all queries will look like this going forward.
My only option is to manually configure new queries to look like old ones if I don't want my dashboards to look like trash. This is a horrible change. This is going to add a huge amount of work to every query I make. On top of that, a ton of visual indicators for rows and columns were all whited out from this, and cannot be restored to look like it used to. This is an extremely unwanted and baffling change that makes it extremely difficult to read tables. On top of that, there's no way to make new queries actually look the same as old queries, I cannot make them easy to read again.
John Costello
Thank you all for sharing your feedback and apologies for not finding a better way to release this update. We understand the challenges this has caused all of you.
Our long term goal is to align Explore with other Zendesk product standards. Our first update for this alignment is aimed to make the table chart more readable and in line with the standard Zendesk color pallet.
The main reason why we couldn't propagate these changes to the existing queries is because such action would have overwritten customisations made by users to their queries.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to reverse this update because it will cause even more inconsistencies.
However for any future default style configuration updates, we will provide options to keep the old configuration or apply the new one to all your queries.
Rob Stack
Hi CJ Johnson, would you mind attaching a description and screenshot of one of the affected queries? I'd like to investigate and see if this happens in my account. Thank you!
CJ Johnson
@... Sure thing, the new one is the monochrome one, the old one is the colorful one.
Rob Stack
Thank you CJ Johnson I see the same as you do. I'm passing this feedback onto the right people and apologize that it's not working well for you.
Eugene Orman
@..., thank you for your feedback. I am sorry to hear that this update was disturbing for you.
This is indeed an intentional change. Our goal was to align the Explore table visualization default look with the rest of Zendesk’s products. We have increased the height of the rows for better readability and changed the header's background from blue to white.
You mentioned that the new default configuration makes the table queries extremely difficult to read. Can you please clarify which part of this change impacted the readability from your point of view?
Can you also attach a screenshot or screen recording to illustrate the issue with the indicators? I couldn't reproduce it.
CJ Johnson
Hi Eugene,
Quite a bit more than that changed. You bolded some things, you removed line breaks, and you reduced contrast on alternating lines, for starters. The last two especially cause issues for readability. I had a long chat with Support when this happened because there was no announcement and it seemed like a mistake, there's a ton of screenshots on #6721767, apologies for the confusing ticket, I guess an agent decided to merge two unrelated issue together, as well.
CJ Johnson
One alternative that would make me more amenable to these changes, would be a way to force OLD queries and Dashboards to all update to the new styling. Having a mix is the real problem, this might be an easier solution to allow the UI to advance without terrible, ugly Dashboards with a mixture of styles of queries as the product progresses.
Kai Schmitte
+1 from my side.
A) Don't change stuff without a clear announcement
B) Enable users to "fix" Dashboards which now have queries in old and new style
Give the user a choice of 2-3 color schemes in their dashboards / queries
I must agree that the styling mix on a dashboard is undesirable. Updating all queries easily to match should be the next priority. I can't believe that ZD would make this change without updating all queries. Blah!
Brandon Cowan 12345678
This is an absurd obstacle. I've had numerous chats that have turned to the long journey of email volley over the past several weeks. Finally, the support team concluded and led me here.
What was the use-case for this besides turning your largest users against you? Introduce a color palette and then purposefully overwrite to white/blank background everything?
Instead of wasting time with color schemes maybe working on a business case to get away from Zendesk is the way to go. Who knows.