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Give me a way to find all the queries using a custom attribute
Posted Jun 15, 2021
Situation: You have a custom attribute that excludes a bunch of tags from reporting, pretty normal. You need to add a new tag in, also pretty normal.
When you add the tag to the custom attribute and save, immediately every single query using that attribute breaks and stops using it at all. You have to then find every single query using it, reselect "true" (or false, or what have you, whatever you use), and then, open every Dashboard that those queries are on, edit the Dashboard, find the tab the query is in use on (because this also is not specified anywhere), wait for the specific query to finish loading, and finally, re-save the tab. This is truly a huge mountain of work for a relatively small task.
For this request, all I'm asking is that we have some sort of way to figure out all the queries that use a custom attribute or metric, because there's no way I can go through 800+ queries manually every time any custom attribute needs a little adjustment.
Walter Bellante
Hello CJ,
thanks for sharing your use case about custom attributes.
I want to acknowledge that this feature request has been open for some time without a PM reply and I apologize that is the case! Looking to clarify some questions on this post and share where Zendesk is with this feature request.
While this feature is not on our roadmap for 2024, it is something we will keep on our radar as part of the beta report builder features set.
At this time, we are going to close this post for comment as we have the information and use cases needed should we ever look into this again.
Thank you again for being valuable customers at Zendesk.
Vladimir P
Massive +1 !!
In addition to having to edit the queries and dashboards that use the attributes when you edit the attributes, it would be helpful to have a page to see what queries and dashboards use the attributes.
David Smedberg
A big +1 to this. We are in the process of creating a new ticket field to replace an old field (the old field was a single select, the new field is a multi select). We will want to update the reports to include the custom attribute which combines the data from the old field and the new field. It is very difficult to update the reports, as there is no way to filter the reports to see only those that include a field or attribute.