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Dropped chat identification logic
Posted May 04, 2020
We've noticed that the logic of defining dropped chats isn't completely clear, below are 2 scenarios:
1) End-user starts chat - > Agents joins the chat -> before agent sends a message customer leaves -> dropped chat
2) End-user starts chat -> Agents joins and sends a message -> End-users replies to agents and leaves -> dropped chat.
In both scenario's Zendesk flags the chats as "dropped" which doesn't make sense in reporting. Dropped chats indicate that a chat is dropped before any interaction has taken place. However, in the current state even if an end-user and agent have a conversation and end it normally, the chat is considered "dropped" when the end-user sends the last message.
For reporting purposes this should change.
Best regards,
Wesley Kock
Do we have any updates on this?
Palash Haque
Has ZD thought of this for reporting purposes? How to can things be differentiated
Dave Dyson
Hi everyone, please upvote and/or leave comments with your use case in the following thread, which has an official comment from our product team. Thanks!
Request to Change Dropped Chats Logic