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Custom palettes for Queries/Dashboards


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Christopher Stock

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Posted Mar 04, 2020

It would be great if it was possible to create a custom palette (e.g. for corporate colours) that can be selected when creating queries or dashboards. Ideally the palette would be available to all users.

I know you can set default colours, but this would extend that functionality.





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Walter Bellante

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello everyone,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

I would like to apologize for the delay in responding to this feature request. I understand that it has been open for some time without a reply from our team. 

I would like to clarify that we will not be able to include this feature in our 2024 roadmap. However, we are planning to conduct some customer research in 2025, and we might reach out to this group to test some of our hypotheses.

We have gathered all the necessary information and use cases needed for when we will look into this again. As a result, we will be closing this post for further comments.

Thank you for being valuable customers at Zendesk.


I vote yes on this one....


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Chris Bulin

Community Moderator

I would also love to be able to select a palette per visualization type. For example, I prefer my stacked bar charts have a different palette than my pie charts.


Definitely up-voting this - it would be great to define custom colour palettes that we could use on Dashboards.


Definitely supporting this feature request!

Since the original request was made last year, how many upvotes would it require to be looked into or is Zendesk already checking into this feature request?




As a person with color vision issues, I would be a huge fan of this. I have to rely heavily on hex codes to design things, and basically have just taken the stance that I can't really help with making reports pretty, because it's really difficult and time consuming to tell, per query, if I've updated all the various things that can have colors on a query, with the right color codes. Being able to select a team's preferred scheme and not worry that I left some text white on white, or missed a character in the color code and there's a hilarious hot garbage color messing it up, would make this less daunting. 


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Chris Bulin

Community Moderator

Now that Zendesk has decided to take it upon themselves to change the default table styling, it would be really great if I could have a template for "legacy table styling" instead of having to change 5 settings every time I make a new table so I have the same styling over time 😒


The company I work for has brand colors and it'd be great to be able to create a custom palette of colors that match our brand instead of having to create one "template" and copy that query over and over again.


I vote for this as well! 


Please develop this option!


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