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Increase ability to route calls to agents
Posted Mar 16, 2021
We would like the ability to set an agents or a group of agents as the default for incoming calls. (Ex. if the agent is not currently on a call, they will receive any incoming calls first.) We want to leave other agents on call as an overflow group so that we don't miss any. We also want this default group/agent to be flexible. We want the people in the default group to be able to change on a weekly or daily basis-- or according to a set schedule.
Ryan Laffey
I second this. Instead of the current system where it is round-robin, based on the agent who has not been on the call for the longest amount time (I believe is the logic). I'd like to have a cascading system in which I have an agent who will be able to take the most calls and is first to ring whenever available, then trickle down as specifically assigned from there.
Dylan Saunders
We used to use inContact before switching to ZD Talk, and it has this functionality — it's incredibly beneficial.