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Feature request - allow instancing of duplicate help centers
Posted Oct 21, 2021
We are looking to add an EU hosted help center in addition to our existing US help center. However, there is no option to set these up as a master/instance clone meaning once the second one is set up, we double the article count that needs to be maintained individually when making any updates.
Please give us the ability to clone a help center and choose to have it be an instanced copy so that making edits in one are automatically pushed to the other. There should be a global setting as well as a section and article level setting so that you can choose to have individual articles break the instancing if needed. This would also require some way to view and manage the content in Guide, showing what is instanced vs stand alone.
1 comment
Josh Keller
This sounds like a fun, moderately sized project using Guide APIs. Not that it wouldn't be great for ZD to offer this capability out-of-the-box, but don't let that hold you back.