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Allow Redirect of Urls
Posted May 22, 2013
Allow the ability to redirect to another Zendesk url when requesting another one. The purpose of this is when a URL is no longer used but users may still have bookmarks to it, the retired url would redirect to another url.
Ryan McGrew
Toan Le This is now available I'm just working to update the documentation but you should be able to start redirecting URLs that don't begin with /hc today.
Susan Henesy
Hello Ryan McGrew !
It’s great to see this feature beginning to take form.
For my scenario, I need to create redirects for pages that DO include /hc .
For example, the “categories” pages have long urls, formatted as:
//{my domain}.com/hc/en-us/categories/{CategoryName-LongNumber}.
I need to be able to set up simple URLs that point to the longer “real” URL. EG:
//{my domain}.com/{CategoryName} —> redirect to —> //{my domain}.com/hc/en-us/categories/{CategoryName-LongNumber}
I can achieve this with my web service as long as I do not use Host Mapping. But, once Host Mapping is set up, none of the redirects will work anymore; Zendesk appears to be suppressing things.
I have signed up for the EAP of the Redirect API, and I believe I read that soon, it will be possible to set up a redirect for any zendesk URL.
Can this include pages that begin with /hc ? Pretty please ??
Shawna James
Teison Edwards
This feature is out it looks like now!
There are ways of doing this on the client side using javascript, but this ZD feature will allow us to use some API to do 301 redirects on the server-side it sounds like. I just wish it was easier than learning how to use a new API