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Zendesk Talk features

Posted Jan 12, 2021

Hi Team, We service 17 different inbound phone lines, to view each line and staffing and customers waiting and agents logged in, you must open the tool several times for each one or toggle between each selecting and unselecting and refreshing - this is not that user friendly. Any future updates on splitting out phone lines on one page to provide a better, cleaner user friendly view on the above?




Totally agree - this would be a game changer!  Make it happen @...



Seconded as well. 

Would like the possibility of applying several call groups as live data filtration on one dashboard. 


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Widson Reis

Zendesk Product Manager


(...) you must open the tool several times for each one or toggle between each selecting and unselecting and refreshing

Could you please clarify the comment above? Are you referring to the Talk Dashboard or the Talk Admin page? 



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