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Individual SLA measurements

Posted Aug 24, 2021

In current state, it seems that SLA's are only measured by current assignee.  We are moving from an "own the ticket to completion" mentality to a "swarm the ticket as a team to get it solved quicker" as Zendesk was intended.


We are struggling to pull accurate SLA's for individuals during different parts of the ticket as now the assignee changes frequently as tickets are worked.  As a 24-7 Support Center this is presenting an issue, because if 4 people change to assignee through the day and say person 3 lets the ticket sit and breaches SLA, person 4 picks it up, makes themselves the assignee and solves, person 4 gets hit with the breached SLA.  Person 3 is no longer associated with the ticket - or the breach.


I would love for a better individual reporting solution, so that when we go into 1:1's with our direct reports, what we are showing accurately reflects the work they are doing - not someone else's.


Thank you for the consideration!




We're trying to do the same but this isn't available.

Measuring SLA is currently only available against Assignee using Explores Support SLA dataset (Further confirmed in Zendesk Support Ticket 12314928).

What's desired here (Example of a single ticket):
- Created by End-user
- Update by Agent 1: First Reply SLA target is satisfied
- Update by End-user
- Update by Agent 2: Next reply SLA target is satisfied
- Update by End-user
- Update by Agent 3: Next Reply SLA target is breached
- Update by End-user
- Update by Agent 1: Next reply SLA target is breached

Explore analytics to show:
Agent (ie updater) - SLA Targets - SLA achieved
- Agent 1 - 2 - 50%
- Agent 2 - 1 - 100%
- Agent 3 - 1 - 0%


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Scott Allison

Zendesk Product Manager

This is a duplicate of another request so I've closed this for comments. Please upvote and comment here instead:

Thank you!


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