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dynamic pre-chat greeting
Posted May 14, 2020
I would request a feature that makes the pre-chat greeting dynamical like the rest of the widget.
Our example:
We are using the same widget for our two webpages, one swedish and one finish.
To make the customer experience as good as possible, the pre-chat greeting should be adapted to the browser language, just like the rest of the widget.
Instead i either have to Choose to display it in english, or just in one of the native lanugages - not customer friendly.
I heard that its possible to fix this by managing the script, but since our developers are stuck with other projects there is no time for this.
So right now, we have to go with the middleway and display the pre-chat greeting in english, which will look pretty weird since the rest of the widget will be in swedish or finish.
Anastasia Kachanova
I will definitely agree with Charlie.
Our company offers support to English, German, Russian, Spanish speakers. We need option to customize pre-chat, offline greeting and department label messages to be displayed in customer's language.
At the moment we have all the widget in German/Russian/Spanish and pre-chat greeting+department label in English, that looks not professional and weird.
Helena Hansen
To start out with English and then go over to Swedish is not professional towards the end customer.
I agree with Anastasia and Charlie, It really should be dynamic like the rest.
Michael Dürmüller
Hi everyone!
I totally agree with Charlie, Anastasia and Helena.
We have a similar situation and serve customers in four languages (German, French, Italian, English). We would like to actively use the pre-chat greetings, but that doesn't make sense if they can only be set in one language
Thank you!
Hi everyone!
I also agree. We face the same problem. We provide support for our users in Italy, France, UK Portugal. At the moment we have all the widget in Spanish/English/Italian/Portuguese/French , that looks not professional and weird. It'll be a great feature to use. Please, take into account this need to improve the chat widget.