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Reporting on Availability Time in Chat


Posted May 06, 2020

Is there a way to report on how many minutes during the day an agent or all agents were available to serve a chat? I need to be able to say "On Monday there was an agent available for a total of X minutes".





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Wojciech Smajda

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello everyone and thank you for raising this again for us and I apologize for the delay in update from the Zendesk product team. My name is Wojciech, I am a Product Manager here. We are pleased to announce that this feature is currently in EAP for customers in the professional and enterprise tiers. You can learn more by following this link here. For others who this is not available for, please be advised that we have read your use cases and appreciate your feedback; should we open this feature to more tiers we will let you know. Thanks again!


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Katie Dougherty

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Hi @...,

Thank you for reaching out!

At this time there's no way for Explore to track session-based data (ie. the amount of time an agent is online). Our Explore team is looking into adding additional Chat and Talk metrics so I'll be sure to pass this feedback along to them!

As far as what you can report on, I would suggest using the "Chat duration" metric or the "Engagement duration" metric in your report. These metrics allow you to report on the time duration from the first to the last chat message, and the time in seconds from the first agent message to the last agent message.

Please see my screenshot below on how this could be configured! You could have rows of the agent's names and columns of the dates you need to report on.  

For more information, here is our support article:

Please let me know if you have any questions! 


Thanks for the response Katie. I appreciate your efforts but the above statistic is not going to help me out.

Yes, it is vital that session based data be available in Explore. This information is fundamental in managing a call center of any kind.


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Katie Dougherty

Zendesk Digital Resources Team

Hi @...,

Understood! I will be sure to pass this feedback to our Product Team so we can work on adding Chat and Talk metrics to track session-based data.  Thank you for your feedback!


Is this still the case? Was really surprised to find that I can't report on logged in time, proportion of time spent on chats or proportion of logged in time available. Am I just missing something obvious? 


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Gab Guinto

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Terry,

I'm afraid that this is still not available in the Chat Engagement dataset in Explore. At this time, agent activity data can only be accessed via the default reports in the Analytics section of your Chat dashboard (Monitoring chat activity with Analytics).


Hi Zendesk Team, do we still have no way to track the number of hours that the team is online on live chat? Will you consider adding this anytime soon? Thanks!


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Cheeny Aban

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Yrwyn

Session-based metrics in Chat like online duration are still not yet available in Explore, but you could use Chat Analytics or third-party WFM tools to report on those.



+1 for this feature to be available. Are there any plans to actually implement and/or timing someone could share?



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Karen Hynes

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all, 

Karen Hynes here, I'm a Product Manager here at Zendesk and I am working on Historical Agent Status reporting. We're currently in the discovery stage for this report and we really appreciate all of your feedback! There is also a conversation ongoing focusing on this topic at this thread: Zendesk Talk: Allow Reporting on Agent Availability. It would be great to get further feedback and discussion over there. I will keep engaged on this and other threads to make sure your feedback is taken into consideration. 




Hi Karen Hynes,

Thank you for sharing your plans for improved historical reporting.

As you consider how to implement this reporting, I would like to see chat availability reported both from a customer perspective (was chat available) and from an agent perspective (was the agent logged in and available).

Our goal is to always have chat available to our customers 24/7/365, including holidays. We have a dedicated chat team with overlap to account for breaks and time away. We also have some agents which are dual-focused. They may be tasked with helping with chat at times or may be tasked with other non-chat responsibilities. It is critical for us to ensure that chat is available. If we ever miss that mark, we need to understand where our gap occurred to ensure we make the corrections needed to ensure 100% chat availability.

Please take these historical reporting requests in to consideration as you plan your future release.

Thank you.


Having worked in various call centres I can say that this will be incredibly valuable. 

With various phone systems you can see when people log in, aux breaks etc. And it's so great to see those stats, and be able to manage time better, but also identify any behavioural issues that need to be addressed.

Being able to see the same on chat would be a game changer. We have a small team and this would be something that would really help shape the team and allow us a full view and understanding of how the team operate, especially with many of our team working remotely. 

For me, this is something that I would use daily to help understand the day before, and also track the performance of the team, or allocate resources where needed/breaks etc. 

I look forward to the updates and the implementation of this one!  


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Karen Hynes

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all, 


Thanks for the further engagement on this post! In relation to Agent activity historical reporting, we will be launching this dataset in stages, with the first version focusing on reporting on agent states across channels. We're aiming for a q2 release of this version but as always, we will update if this estimate changes. 

I will keep engaged on these threads and as mentioned, feel free to join the on-going conversation at this thread: Zendesk Talk: Allow Reporting on Agent Availability.




This is a feature we definitely need! Thank you!


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Karen Hynes

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all, 

To provide an update here, we are removing the need for an EAP for this dataset and as a result, we will be moving straight to GA at the start of q3 (any changes to this timeline will be shared accordingly). I have provided a more detail update here but please keep engaged and sharing feedback, it's much appreciated! 




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Karen Hynes

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all,

Last time I updated this thread we were aiming for a q3 release, we have an update on these timelines now of a q4 timeframe. I will keep these posts updated as and when I have more information. Please make sure to keep providing us with your feedback and comments!




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Jacob the Moderator

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hi Karen Hynes 👋

Has the ability to report on agent availability time been released? 
I haven't seen a release note on this, but am very eager to have this capability as it is something our agents are evaluated on.


Hi! Upvoting this -- one of our KPIs is schedule adherence and understanding productivity and agent status is crucial.


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Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hello Karen Hynes -  per the previous update the team is planning to release this in Q4 but now is almost end of Q1.

Any update on the release of this? 


In a company with many different chat departments, it would also be ideal to see the ''online'' time of said department. 

Department/agent online time is a basic necessity, how come this is not prioritized further? 


Karen Hynes any news on a release here? We too badly need a way to report on total hours for the day/week that chat was available. With a global staff working chats, totaling their cumulative hours doesn't work because there's overlap when some of them work together, so we're getting an inflated and inaccurate total availability against our expected availability.


Any news about it?
It was supposed to be released last year :(


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Karen Hynes

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello everyone! I am thrilled to announce that agent state historical reporting has reached GA! Please see this announcement for more information. 

If you have any product feedback about this feature, or another area on Explore, we would love to hear from you! Please create a new post in our Explore forum using this template to share your thoughts; our product feedback team will log and review every piece of feedback that comes through.


Hey Karen! Is there a plan to make this data available via API? Or is it only available in Explore?


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