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Close/End Chat button
Not Planned
Posted Mar 06, 2015
There should be a new feature added to the chat window. Make the close/end chat button more obvious, not under "options". this way people feel they have a way out of the conversation without having to look for it.
Aswin Kannan
I honestly don't think Zendesk ever listens to crucial feedback. The only reply that we ever get it is, "It is not in the roadmap". Well, what actually is? We have tons of customers everyday asking how to close the chat, as the button to close the chat is buried underneath options and do not serve the purpose. As Dan Ross mentioned, DO NOT ask us to web SDK, API or something. YOU (Zendesk) have to fix this up. Also, the chat cannot be ended by the agent which is again a huge headache. We are done with the conversation, the agent leaves the chat room, the customer says "thank you" and it goes as another chat to another agent. And they say "welcome", leave the chat, customer says "bye" and it goes to another chat. This is just purely ridiculous and it blocks the valuable time of all our resources. Please Zendesk, JUST LISTEN to your customers' important requirements rather than adding stupid emojis as a feature.
Nicole Saunders
Hi Aswin -
Thanks for your feedback. I've escalated this with Product Management.
Kate Savaria
Wow! Three years in from the original request (in this thread at least) and it took Aswin's comment to get this escalated?! Thanks Aswin :)
Dan Ross
@Nicole Thanks so much for getting this one in front of Product! I know it keeps coming up in the forums (I know I've commented on several threads on the idea, and it is a request that comes up from an agent every week or two) and it would be really great for everyone here to be able to engage on this topic!
I think we need to give credit where it's due - Nicole & Jessie on the Community team have been making a real effort the last few months to communicate forum requests out to the Product team. Every time I've seen them say they're going to try to get a PM in a conversation, a PM has come by to comment.
There must be a mountain of content in these forums to go through and watch, but I really do get the feeling now that someone at Zendesk is actively reading feedback comments in the forums and getting them in front of the right people. That's not something I could have said when we started using the platform and engaging in the community ~two years ago.
I know it's easy to get really frustrated when you're missing what feels like an obvious feature or commenting on a three year old feature request, but I think it look like things are starting to head in the right direction with regards to having the Product team engage with customers. There's now active discussions with PMs on the forums on requests like real Sandbox environments and overhauls to Views, things that have been requested for years!
I feel there's been measurable improvements made in getting Product Managers involved in conversations with customers, especially on some of the really sore longer-term requests, like this one. It's not a guarantee that every issue will get addressed, but it's an important first step, one which seldom happened before!
Yuwen Chang
Agree with Aswin. I hope Zendesk can fix this, too.
Need a fix for this asap indeed. Hope this will be on your roadmap soon.
Peter Mangles
I agree with Aswin, Yuwen, Steven, etc., this is a glaring omission. With agents at our end unable to unilaterally close tickets from our end , we end up with, "Zombie" chat sessions floating around until the customer closes the browser window/tab or restarts their computer, possibly hours later...
Nicole Saunders
Hi all -
Thanks for your feedback. I've spoken with the product team and have some good news: in an upcoming iteration of the Chat experience specific to the Web Widget, there will be a more obvious "leave chat" icon button that - at least as currently planned - will not be buried under another menu as it is currently. The design team is determining what will be least confusing to end-users, and expects to roll this out later this year.
We'll provide more updates as we're able, but I wanted to let you know that your voices have been heard and the problem is being worked on.
Erik Rutten
That's great news Nicole!
Hello Nicole, there are some news about this problem?
Nicole Saunders
Hi Gabriele -
The more visible button is still part of the integrated chat experience in the Web Widget. However, we do not currently plan to update the standalone Chat widget experience.
Hi! Do we have any workaround if the chatter unable to send their responses since the chat box doesn't appear on their end? Any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Ramin Shokrizadeh
Hi Mat,
Can you email so we can further investigate why the chat box is not appearing in the widget? Thanks.
Dawn Anderson
We use the integrated chat experience but it's not clear from the icon that it closes the chat:
Is it possible to have a more universal icon for leaving chat?
Harriet Klymchuk
Hey guys,
Adding a +1 to this thread too; the end chat button isn't very clear to users. Add that to the fact that agents cannot force a session to end for a customer and it's causing us problems as chat sessions are remaining active when they shouldn't be.
Any update for this or way to customise it would be great :)
Many thanks!
Ramin Shokrizadeh
Hi Harriet,
If you want a more visible close button, the only option today is to build a custom widget using the Web SDK.
As for the ownership of the session being tied to the visitor and the agent not having the ability to close the chat session, this behaviour will be changed alongside some Support agent interface updates that will available in 2020.
Şahlan Şahin
Hi @... is there an update?
Ramin Shokrizadeh
@... some of these changes are associated with the recent Zendesk Messaging release:
Şahlan Şahin
Hi, I still can't see a feature for bigger or customizable buttons. Is it possible now?
Is it also possible to have kind of a "pinned" go back or department selection part / button to the chat widget?
Ramin Shokrizadeh
There is no larger buttons or customisable buttons in the Messaging widget, but the concept of ending a chat that is tied to the session goes away once you talk about Messaging. Feel free to test it out in your sandbox to learn more about the differences in Messaging and Chat.
Yes, please make it easier for customer to end the chat. Agents have been asking for a notification of when a customer leaves the chat so that they know they can close the ticket and free up a chat slot for a new customer. If customers do not know how to end a chat easily, they are just going to close their browser and we will not be notified that they have left. This is resulting in unnecessarily long handled chat times and long queue/wait times. :( This enhancement has my vote! Two thumbs up!!