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Add a Tag to a New ticket if attachment is present

Posted Dec 02, 2020

To tag new tickets with a tags when they have attachments.

Use Case :

You can then use this tag to filter tickets with attachments to one view while other with no attachments to another view.

There can be other use cases too. 


1. Enable API access type (see screenshot)

Password Access item 3 on the screenshot above - if you want to use username and password for your API auth only.

For token select item 4 on the screenshot - if you are going to generate API token in zendesk and use that.

You don't have to enable both but one will do.

2.Create target extension > HTTP
Title : Update Tags

URL :{{}}
Method PUT
Content Type JSON

Make sure your external target uses Basic auth. either via API token or admin credentials.


3.Create Trigger
SET-Check for Attachments
Condition - Ticket is created
Action - Notify Target : Update Tags
JSON Body : 

{% for comment in ticket.public_comments offset:0 limit:1 %}
{% if comment.attachments.size > 0 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

above code checks the comment for attachments, if attachments more than 0 than it tags the ticket with "attachments_yes"

or else it will tag as "attachment_no"

NOTE: You will see the following error-

You can ignore that error message, the JSON target is trying to validate your code as JavaScript rather than Liquid.

I tested this and it works for all new tickets

If this was helpful please upvote this and feel free to drop me a line on Linkedin.




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