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Guide community tips for Help Center
Zendesk Documentation Team
Posted Aug 21, 2013
Check out these Guide tips for your Help Center!
Follow this post and we'll update you when we add a new tip.
Tips from the community
- How to enable a PDF export for your help center articles - contributed by Sorin
- Adding a notification banner to your Help Center - contributed by Wes
Add multilingual welcome note (placeholder text) in search box along with user name - contributed byTeam Diziana
- Add note and warning boxes to your articles - contributed by Daniel Murphey
- How to add tabs to your Help Center home page - contributed by Tal Admon
- Adding a video background on a category page - contributed by Tal Admon
- Request feedback after negative article vote - contributed by Tal Admon
- Recovering deleted Help Center content - contributed by Felix Stubner
- Back up your Help Center articles with the click of a button - contributed by Felix Stubner
- Create a table of contents automatically in Help Center articles - contributed by Nicolas Galluzzo
- How to put all sections and articles on home page - contributed by Vladan Jovic
- Allow community users to post embedded YouTube videos - contributed by Vladan Jovic
- How to show article labels as tags on Help Center articles - contributed by Wes and Jacob C Christensen
- How to export knowledge base content from your Help Center as PDF (get the app) - contributed by Patrick
- Add a home icon to your bread crumb navigation - contributed by Baruch
- Adding colored notes in articles - contributed by Tina Vo
- Add colored notes to articles based on keywords - contributed by Daniel Cooper
- Add expandable promoted article with article body - contributed by Customer Support Theme
- Default table formatting for Help Center articles - contributed by Lucky Herzberger
- Knowledge Capture publishing workflow - contributed by Andrew Schreiner
- Knowledge Capture publishing workflow - contributed by Anton Maslov
- multilingual content creation workflow - contributed by Jacob Christensen
- Our KCS implementation with Zendesk - contributed by Cale Shapera
- Adding an outside (non-helper) link in your header or other pages in your theme - contributed by David Raboy
- Adding agent badges in community - contributed by Brian Scavullo
- Export Guide article data as CSV - contributed by Scott Havard
- Custom Guide color theme selector - contributed by Chris Stock
- How to embed videos with a timestamp in Guide articles - contributed by Zac
- Expanding images in Help Center articles - contributed by Joshua Tallent
- How to get feedback on specific articles in Help Center - contributed by Scott Bowen
- Requiring a ticket attachment if a certain dropdown is selected - contributed by Karen D Snyder
- Displaying subsection lists on the category page - contributed by Amy Gracer
- Add sorting to your tables in Guide - contributed by Amy Gracer
- Showing predefined answers for custom field values in your Help Center webform - contributed by Andrei Kamarouski
- Add estimated reading times to articles - contributed by Sheldon Grimm
- How to make a table of contents (TOC) for Article template - contributed by Ifra Saqlain
- How to make section pages without pagination - contributed by Ashleigh Rentz
- Category page with (conditionally) expandable section lists - contributed by Ashleigh Rentz
- Add an arrow to scroll back to the top of the page - contributed by Trapta
Tips from the Zendesk team
- How can I remove the Submit a Request link from my Help Center - contributed by Jon Brummel
- Displaying an alternative author on your Help Center articles - contributed by Jake Bantz
- Selectively hiding Help Center components using Curlybars - contributed by Jake Bantz
- Redirecting traffic from deleted Help Center articles - contributed by Elliott B.
- Setting up a request-only Help Center - contributed by Rebecca
- Hiding article comments with Curly bars - contributed by Ray Roth
- Adding a disclaimer to a specific ticket form in your Help Center - contributed by Leah Guest
- Displaying satisfaction ratings and overall score in Help Center - contributed by Jennifer Rowe
- Customizing status icons for community posts - contributed by Laura Hippert
- Hiding the sign-up button on your Help Center - contributed by Ricardo
Be sure to also check out our Help Center customization section of Advice and Troubleshooting for more tips and solutions.
We'll continue to add tips to the list as we get them, so keep 'em coming!
Jennifer Rowe
A new tip for the Copenhagen theme from our resident guru Wes!
Check it out:
Jennifer Rowe
Cool new tip!
Jennifer Rowe
Two new Help Center tips for you!
Jennifer Rowe
Two new Help Center tips for you!
Jennifer Rowe
New Help Center tip!
Jennifer Rowe
New tip for Help Center articles!
Jennifer Rowe
We got quite a few good Help Center tips while I was on vacation!
Check them out:
Maggie St.Clair
Any tips on how we can show the status of the community post on the search results page? When searching for a topic it would be great for our customers to see which posts are marked as answered or completed so they can go right to those first. As it stands now they have to click into each one to see the status. Seems like next to the number of comments would be the perfect place to show the status of answered, planned, not planned, etc. If anyone has a suggestion or tip on how we can make this happen I would really appreciate it!
Jessie Schutz
Hey Maggie!
I've actually spoken to our own designer about the possibility of doing this, but he hasn't had a chance it look into it yet. He said that you'd need to write code to pull against the API, which means it may be possible, but it'd require some pretty advanced coding capabilities.
Maggie St.Clair
Thanks, Jessie. I will have one of our technical guys look at it.
Jennifer Rowe
New tip from Team Diziana!
Change banner image of HelpCenter for each language - contributed byTeam Diziana
Jennifer Rowe
Great new tip from Jake Bantz!
Jennifer Rowe
Another great tip from Customer Support Theme:
Jennifer Rowe
Great new tip for table formatting. Thanks to Lucky!
Jennifer Rowe
New tip from Michael on our Success team!
Aron Trimble
Adding a Syntax Highlighting Plugin (Snippet) to your Help Center is not accessible.
Please correct or remove from the list.
Jennifer Rowe
Hi Aron,
Oops. You are right! That tip was archived because it requires a plugin that is no longer available. Sorry about that.
I've removed the tip from the list. Thanks for letting us know!
Aron Trimble
Hi Jennifer,
Thanks for the update! Do you know of any other solution to the possibility of being able to add syntax highlighting to help center articles?
Jennifer Rowe
Hi Aron,
I don't offhand. But I'll ask around and let you know if I come up with anything!
Jennifer Rowe
Hi again Aron,
I got one tip from the author of that archived tip.
He uses GitHub gists, which have an embed link. So the code is hosted elsewhere, but you can embed it in an article and it shows up highlighted and looks nice in the article.
Hope that helps!
Aron Trimble
Hi Jennifer -- This is definitely helpful, thanks for following up!
Jennifer Rowe
Great new tip from Sherri!
Jennifer Rowe
We have a great API tip from Andrew!
Jennifer Rowe
We have another great tip from our friend Andrew!
Jennifer Rowe
Excellent new tip for you!
Jennifer Rowe
New tip!
Jennifer Rowe
We have a new tip from a long-time lurker and first-time poster!
Jennifer Rowe
We got a new tip!
Jennifer Rowe
We have a new and updated tip for adding agent badges:
Jennifer Rowe
Well we actually got two more new tips today! It's a good day for Help Center tips. Enjoy!