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Agent last login report
Posted Nov 27, 2018
Looking to pull a report similar to Insight's Agent last login activity. This would be helpful in Explore which I currently cannot figure out how to do.
Any ideas?
Joe Beaudoin
Hey Gadi!
Thanks for reaching out!
I was able to create what I believe to be a helpful query within the Explore platform, given your specifications:
The dataset (top left) I chose was Ticket Events, and I used the COUNT (agent updates) metric. The additional Row components to the report are Updater Name, Updater Login - Date, and Updater Role. After selecting updater role, I went back to the attribute under rows and selected it to filter the types of users I wanted to see:
That got rid of any updates done by end users.
Hopefully this helps!
Gadi Vered
Hi Joe, this is a really detailed step by step and I appreciate it.
What's really weird is that when I'm looking for this Metric in the DataSet you mentioned, I don't see it at all.
I also see duplicate data sets for every named dataset showing, not sure what is happening.
Joe Beaudoin
Hey again, Gadi,
Thanks for following up!
So first things first, "repeat" datasets don't necessarily mean something's broken. In Explore, you can create copies of the datasets that already exist:
That section comes from the article Choosing and Creating Datasets. Feel free to have a look for further context!
If you select the button "New Dataset" and choose to name it the same thing as the dataset that already exists, it will display as what looks like a "duplicate" of sorts. Here's an example of that sort of behavior where I created datasets with either similar or the exact same name as other pre-configured datasets:
Regarding the metric you're looking for:
You should then be able to add the Rows and Filters I mentioned in my first reply, giving you what I hope is a query equivalent to the Insights report you initially referenced.
Give this a shot and if you're still experiencing issues, reach back out and we'll bring things into a ticket!
Gadi Vered
Hi again Joe, thanks for the followup, I am just not seeing it.
1. See this short screen grab here depicting the steps:
Can you create a support ticket on my behalf for this?
2. Regarding the multiple datasets - what happens if I delete all the datasets? can my Explore account be reset? I feel like there is something has gone awry since I was an EAP user.
Joe Beaudoin
Hey Gadi,
Thanks for keeping me in the loop on this.
I'll be reaching out in a ticket to you, directly!
Talk soon.
Jolyon Hogarth-Scott
This is by far the simplest way I have found to get the report (I've tried various other ways to show this); would you have a suggestion on how to.
Bell Chen
Hi Team
When i create a new query, i am unable to find the dataset Ticket Events.
Please guide to creaet the explore report for agent last sign on, thanks.
Brett Bowser
Hey Bell,
It looks like you'll instead want to select Ticket Updates which was previously named Ticket Events.
Apologies for the confusion there!
Is there any metric that was created to find when was the agent last login into the system(not the ticket attached, Because I see discrepancy in result from Insight and Explore)? In insight, we have "Days- since last login" but I don't see a direct way to find in explore? Is there any new release for this metric? I can see that the last comment was made 5 months ago. Just checking to see any update on it?
Rob Stack
Hi ezhil, this is a great article that will take you through a few possible ways to do what you want. I hope this helps!