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Creating tickets


Posted Jul 29, 2019

We're trying to create new tickets for end users to send them a message (like an email) but all they're getting is a notification saying their request has been received even though we've entered text in the ticket. Why are they not getting the text we send?



1 comment

Hello Elizabeth,

All communication to the requester (unlike CCs) is fired by triggers. So you probably have a trigger with the condition "Ticket is Created" and the action "Email user (requester)".

I found a similar question with answer here:

I think it can also be done with a new trigger with these conditions:

And in your original trigger you would add the condition "Current user is (end-user)". But please test it if you want to go down that road. I think it should work, but I haven't tested it!

With kind regards,

Sparkly ⭐



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