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Is there a way to mark a ticket as solved through email
Posted Feb 27, 2019
Hi, we have people outside of Zendesk assisting us with answering tickets, such as our benefits broker. Is there a way for them to mark a ticket as solved in the email vs. going into Zendesk? They do not have access to the Zendesk system but we still want them to solve their tickets so we don't have to go into the system and update each one manually.
Jonathan March
You can decide on an unambiguous phrase like "solve-this-ticket" or whatever, have them include this in then write a trigger that solves the ticket.
You could even adjust your triggers so that if this phrase is in the message, the requester won't get a notification. (though they would still be able to see the message in the ticket online).
Sebastiaan Wijchers
Jonathan was quicker, but I wanted to suggest the same. You can use a Mail API like text:
That will solve the ticket when they add that exact phrase to their reply: