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Solving a ticket while leaving assigned to group


Posted Jun 27, 2018

Our team would like to be able to leave tickets assigned at the group level when solving a ticket, so that any member of the group can easily pick a ticket back up if it is reopened by the end user. Has anyone found a workaround that can allow this to happen?




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Jessie Schutz

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Sarah! Welcome to the Community!

By default Agents aren't allow to assign a ticket back to their group, but there's a setting you can change that will remove this restriction and allow an Agent that's assigned to a ticket to send back to the group. You can find that article here.

It sounds like you want this to be an automated process that takes place after the ticket has been Solved. Is that correct?

If so, you should be able to set up a trigger something like this:

Bear in mind that I haven't actually been able to test this, so there might be some tweaks that need to happen to get it to work correctly. But that's the basic idea.


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Andrew J

Community Moderator

What Jessie mentions does work.  We can close tickets as not assigned within the group now (not that I like it!)

Another way of handling this is to allow the closing agent to have it assigned to them, but set a trigger to unassign it if it reopens.  That way you can still maintain metrics on agent ticket solve numbers.

A whole load of solved but unassigned tickets is not great for reporting now or in the future.


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