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Explore Recipe: Live Answer Rate in Zendesk Talk

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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Posted Aug 30, 2020

One metric that is frequently used in support centers is "Live Answer Rate" - IE - the number of calls answered live vs calls going to voicemail. In practice, we've discovered that this number isn't as intuitive as you might think.  This is because, in part, voicemails and Outbound calls count as 'completed calls.'  

This article reviews how you can generate your very own custom metric that shows Live Answer Rate as a KPI.

What you'll need

Skill level: Advanced

Time required: 15 minutes

Creating the query

Step 1: From the talk dataset, create a custom metric that looks at the number of completed inbound calls that weren't voicemails.  This will serve as the numerator or 'top number' in your calculation. Give your metric a name ("YourCustomMetric").  It should look like this:

IF ([Call direction]="Inbound" AND [Call type]="Regular") THEN
D_COUNT(Completed calls)

Step 2: Add this newly created metric and the "Completed Inbound Calls" metric to your query.that looks at the total number of completed inbound calls regardless of whether they were answered or not.  For reference, this is the code:


IF ([Call completion status] = "Completed" AND [Call direction] = "Inbound") THEN
[Call ID]


Step 3: Make sure both of these are set to D_Count.  The end-result should look like this:

Step 4: From the right menu, click Result Manipulation > Result metric calculation

Step 5: Give the new Metric a name such as "Live Answer Rate" and enter the following:

D_Count(YourCustomMetric)/D_COUNT(Completed Inbound Calls)

*** IMPORTANT *** If you're using the Callback From Queue feature, you'll need to account for that as these would be considered answered "live."  First, add D_COUNT(Callback Calls) as a Metric.  Your updated Result Metric Calculation would then become:

((D_COUNT(Live Answer Calculation))+D_COUNT(Callback calls)) / D_COUNT(Live Answer Calculation Denominator)

Step 6:  Click Chart Configuration > Display Format > Set the display format for your created Metric Calculation to %

Step 7: Click Chart Configuration > Columns and make the columns that don't contain the Metric Calculation invisible by clicking the Eye Symbol next to the relating Column: 

Step 9: Change the chart type to KPI to visualize this metric for use on a Dashboard.

Step 10: You can add more filters now for dates or other specific information.

You can find more information on Metric Calculations here: Using result metric calculations

And you can find more information on hiding metrics here: Can I hide the metrics column in an Explore query table?

Congratulations!  Now you know your Live Answer Rate!




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