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Displaying Large Images in Articles at Full Resolution

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Dan Cooper

Community Moderator

Posted May 11, 2017

Sometimes in our Help Center we have images we want to include in an article, but when they scale to fit our theme they aren't as detailed as we'd like.  I looked at solutions like the Fancybox solution but thought it was a bit too complicated.  We found a much simpler solution.  

  1. Click the Insert Image button
  2. Upload your image
  3. Select the image
  4. Click Insert
  5. Right click on the image and select Copy Image Address 
    (I used Chrome, other browsers may use different terminology to get the image link)
  6. Add a comment under the image and select the text
  7. Click on the Insert/Edit Link button
  8. Paste the image url into the Url field
  9. Change the Target to New window
  10. Save your article and preview your article.  Clicking your new link will open a new window with the full sized image. 

Click here to see this at full resolution.




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Jacob the Moderator

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Good tip Daniel! I usually make the image itself the link. Not sure which is best practise.


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Dan Cooper

Community Moderator

I thought about that myself.  You lose a little bit of discoverability that way, but it all comes down to what works best for those reading the articles.


Thanks Dan, for the very useful tip :)


I could not find the "New window" just New tab...

Where is the "new window" option?


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Amir!

If you're not seeing the option "New window" while following the resolution steps provided in this community article; then it's likely that you're using a different browser or browser version. Other browsers/browser versions may show a different option, in doing this. The "New tab" option that you're seeing should do the same action as "New window", which should be ample for the resolution.


Customer Advocacy Team


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