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Funky up your search box!

Posted May 08, 2015

It's Funky Friday, so here's a little something to make your search box fun:

Changing search box color

  • Go to your Help Center > Customize Design
  • Access your CSS files
  • Do a search for /* Search box */
  • Find the following element:

.search-box input, .sub-nav .search input {

To change the background color, simply add background: #HEX;

.search-box input, .sub-nav .search input {

line-height: 1.2em;

font-weight: lighter;

padding: .75em 2.7em;

width: 100%;

background: #FF0066;

-webkit-appearance: none;


Changing the color of the search icon

The fun doesn't stop there! You can also change the color of the magnifying glass.

  • Look for the following:

.search-box:before, .sub-nav .search:before {

  • Now add some color: #HEX to it:

.search-box:before, .sub-nav .search:before {

color: #fff;


Thanks to Carlos to added the following code to change the text color

Based on another document by Moderator Wes, you can change your placeholder text.

$('#query').attr('placeholder','Search our Forums');

You can then use after the above, the following CSS

::-webkit-input-placeholder {
  color: #000000;






How can I change the colour around the search bar as seen here


Hey Roumen,

That is part of the standard template they're using. You should be able to locate it with <section class="hero-unit"> and adding the correct color background to it


Which Search element are you using?  I have no magnifying glass...and need one :-)  Thanks.


How to you place your search box in the center of the page?


Hello All,

I am completely new to coding and based off examples from other members, trial and error, help from co workers to help me understand what I'm doing, i can create a custom page with images, size and color. Last couple days have been fun seeing my work display on the web page.

I thought I mentioned this for us newbies, I had no success with changing the color in * Search box */ section it was in the /* Search */ section that my co worker was able to figure out how to change the search box color. I don't understand why this is but like i said I'm 2 days new with coding. One thing that I'm trying to do is I change the search box to be a light gray but through all my trial and errors I cant find were to change the color font of the actual "Search" within the box. 

Thanks in advance



I found it.

searching through all the supports I came across a line of code on how to change the "Search" into "Search our Forums"  $('#query').attr('placeholder','Search our Forums');

it occurred to me, oh let me look in the CSS and do a search for placeholder and added the color: #000000 as below,

::-webkit-input-placeholder {
  color: #000000;

the font changed to black.




That's great, thanks Carlos! I'll add it to the original post above. 

Sorry I wasn't around to answer your question yesterday, I'm in the UK !


There are several pages that come up regarding this search-box customization and I really felt that the information does not address that if you jquery in the customized placeholder text on document ready, there's a flash of the default 'Search'. My solution was to hide it initially and add a 'loaded class then unhide it. There's a bunch of extra CSS in there but you should be able to get the general approach (and no longer have a flash of unwanted text!):


/* Hide initially */
input::-webkit-input-placeholder { color:transparent; }
input::-moz-placeholder { color:transparent; }
input::-moz-placeholder { color:transparent; }
input::-ms-input-placeholder { color:transparent; }

/* when we've added the .loaded class we kick in the opaque placeholder */

input.loaded::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: $color_3;
opacity: .5;
transition: opacity 0.35s ease;
input.loaded::-moz-placeholder {
color: $color_3;
opacity: .5;
transition: opacity 0.35s ease;
input.loaded::-moz-placeholder {
color: $color_3;
opacity: .5;
transition: opacity 0.35s ease;
input.loaded::-ms-input-placeholder { color:transparent; }

input:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder {
opacity: 1;
input:focus:-ms-input-placeholder {
color: 1;
input:focus::-moz-placeholder {
opacity: 1;

Here's my javscript (within document ready as stated above already):

$('#query').attr('placeholder',"Have a question? Search our knowledge base the answer…").attr('autocomplete', 'off');

//Signify that we can unhide the placeholder



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Jessie Schutz

Zendesk Customer Care

Thanks for sharing your tweak, Rob!


Thank you for posting this!


Is there a way to add a "go" button after the search box?  Seems like having to hit Enter isn't very intuitive for some users.


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The Wise One - 2022Community Moderator

Hi Amanda, probably the easiest way to add this button is if you:

  • find the following code into your help center theme
  • {{search submit=false instant=true class='search search-full'}}
  • remove submit=false, so you will get something like
  •  {{search instant=true class='search search-full'}}
  • Click on Preview button to check if this looks as it should
  • If yes, then click on Save / Publish
  • If not, keep us posted here

Hope this helps :)


Great!!  That is exactly what I needed!  If I wanted to change what the button says, how would I do that?


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The Wise One - 2022Community Moderator

Just put this code after the search code from above comment:

$(' input[type="submit"]').val('New text here');


Hi. this code worked for me.. but what if I want to add a magnifying glass icon instead of Search.. how would I do that?


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Trapta Singh

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hi @Cosmin,

In your style.css (if you are using default Copenhagen theme) file, go to line no. 692, and edit the content:"\1F50D" with the icon if, you want to show any other font icon.

If you want to show an image, then simply replace the code with the below code:

content" ";
background-size15px; /** Adjust the image size **/
height15px; /** Adjust the height of content. must be similar to background size **/
width15px; /** Adjust the width of content. must be similar to background size **/

Let me know if you face any issue.

Team Diziana


I'm a newbie. We have Zendesk Professional. I'm trying to customize the Diziana Marbonte theme's search box background color.

Customizing the design only shows style.css. @...'s instructions say to: "Access your CSS files." Where are the CSS Files?


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Ifra Saqlain

Zendesk LuminaryMost Engaged Community Member - 2022Most Engaged Community Member of The Year - 2021Community Moderator

Mark, your style.css file is CSS file and there you can customize the searchbar and other things, classes are different.

Go to your style.css > Search for  the class name " .search-full input[type="search"] " > and customise your searchbar.






Thank you Ifra. I'll dust off my .CSS manuals and give it a try!


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Ifra Saqlain

Zendesk LuminaryMost Engaged Community Member - 2022Most Engaged Community Member of The Year - 2021Community Moderator



Going crazy trying to find where to change the color on the main Guide Page for Copenhagen Style sheet style.css.  Any help?  I searched for the above words in style.css and had no luck finding them.  

.search-full input[type="search"] " 

Line 692 contains only a curly bracket  }



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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Larry,

I did some testing in my own account and was able to find the appropriate code snippet. Screenshot below:

If you had any developers make any edits to your theme it's possible that this code snippet was removed so you may need to just add it back.

I hope this points you in the right direction!


Hi Team! May I know how can I change the color of the search result hyperlinks and the little erase "X" icon? Thanks!


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Ifra Saqlain

Zendesk LuminaryMost Engaged Community Member - 2022Most Engaged Community Member of The Year - 2021Community Moderator


You can remove the erase "X" icon by adding this code to your stylesheet:

[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {
-webkit-appearance: none;
appearance: none;


and  update the color of search results hyperlink -

For breadcrumbs:

.search-result-breadcrumbs li, .search-result-breadcrumbs li a, .search-result-breadcrumbs li a:visited {



 For title:

.search-result-title a{


For all hyperlinks if exist anywhere in the search results content area:

.search-results-list > li a{





@... Thanks for the suggestion! May I know if I only want to change the color of the 'X' but not removing it, would that be possible?

Also, can I use color code instead of "yellow", "blue" for the links? thanks!


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Ifra Saqlain

Zendesk LuminaryMost Engaged Community Member - 2022Most Engaged Community Member of The Year - 2021Community Moderator

Yes, you can add the color code I was showing the example.


May I know if I only want to change the color of the 'X' but not removing it, would that be possible?

Yes but little tricky.



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