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Help Center - Change default placeholder text in your Search Box

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Most Engaged Member of All Time - 2021

Posted Oct 24, 2013

Zendesk level: Beginner
Knowledge: Copy and Paste :-)
Time Required: 5 minutes

There are two options you can use to change the placeholder text associated with the Search Bar.

OPTION 1 - Use the curlybar framework (preferred option)

Default from Home Page tab

{{search submit=false instant=true class='search search-full'}}

We are going to add placeholder='Search our Forums' like below

{{search submit=false instant=true class='search search-full' placeholder='Search our Forums'}}

Option 2 - Use JQuery

This option works fine but there could be a small delay while the DOM loads.

  1. Select the “JS” tab
  2. Find the following line: $(document).ready(function() {
  3. Add the following code right below the line above

$('#query').attr('placeholder','Search our Forums');

  1. Save and Publish your site and you should notice the text change in your Search box.







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