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Remove agent name from top of email replies


Posted Jul 30, 2017

Is it possible to remove the agent name from the top of our email responses? I'd ideally like to remove both lines highlighted. 






It sure is. Look for the personalized replies email setting, disable that and it's gone...


Thanks for the quick response! I thought this was the setting which should be used for this purpose, though mine is deselected already. Agent name seems to be coming through even through this setting is off. Is this the setting attached? Is it possible something else may need disabling to take effect?



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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Jimmy,

I think you can use the "alias" field on your profile to change what appears.  


The only problem is this will affect the global settings meaning all the different brands on the Zendesk instance.


This only solves half the problem.



It is not possible to remove the banner completely? The 'Personalised email replies' only changes the header information. The banner is added content to the mail. 

Kind regards.


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Jessie Schutz

Zendesk Customer Care

Welcome to the Community, Frans!

I'm not certain what banner you're referring to, but I think that our article on customizing your email template will be helpful for you!



Well, the banner that is indicated with the red arrows in the original post. I am only able to remove these with some styling CSS in the 'customizing email template' option, though not all email clients (outlook web) recognize the head part of an html email, so the added CSS does not work there. In my opinion, you should be able to completely control what is send to the customer. Is it not possible to just not add the name and timestamp at the top of a mail reply (indicated with red arrows)? 

Kind regards.


I also need this!

No ofense for those trying to help but it looks like you don't even test your ideas

@Carsten Falborg That doesn't work at all.

@Heather R, adding an alias to the agent in order to mask the name is a pretty bad ""solution"".

@Jessie, like Frans mentioned, the ones indicated with red arrow. I'm pretty this is not part of "customizing your email template" article because it's embed inside the {{content}} tag.

And again, like the majority of community posts, the question gets forgotten or stays without a proper solution even after years.


Any updates? For a company that makes helpdesk software, the response times are really slow and the number of options to contact you are limited. Please respond.

Kind regards.


The request functionality will give a faster response! This is mostly based on the community giving answers. Therefore, I found my answer in this article:

Kind regards.


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Jessie Schutz

Zendesk Customer Care

Hey Igor and Frans!

I apologize for the misunderstanding, and for the delayed response. I'm sorry that the solutions offered here didn't address your issue, but I'm glad that Frans was able to find something that worked. Please let us know if you need anything else!


I still don't get how to remove the agent's name from the email reply. Disabling personalised email replies doesn't work.


Is there a solution to this problem? I have unchecked the personalized email message, but my name and Brand (company) continue to show in the email response. Please update this ongoing issue.


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Brett Bowser

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Allen,

Have you tried setting up an agent alias as mentioned in the article I've linked? This would replace the agents name in the email chain.

Let me know if that doesn't get you what you're looking for!


I'd like to do exactly what the OP asked - remove the agent name and timestamp from ticket.latest_public_comment_formatted. I'm currently using ticket.latest_public_comment because I can't figure out a way to remove the agent name and timestamp. I want the agent's name to be in the header of the email reply, so I don't want to disable personalized replies or change their name to an alias - that won't remove those lines from the comment. My goal is to make the comment look as close to a traditional email as possible, with the ability to insert in-line images and hyperlinks, so the only formatted text I want to show are the comment itself and the agent's signature. How can this be done?


New user here and this feature is critical to protect our agents. Is there no way to remove the agent name and timestamp aside from the "alias" option?


Hi Dean & David -

Stripping out this formatting is a bit of a complicated process, but it can be done. Looking through our knowledge base I believe the article Setting up an unformatted email template would be a great resource for showing how you can alter these elements and bring you closer to a rich text comment format without the extra data presented to your end-users.

Abraham K. | Customer Advocate


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