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Create email tickets with no email response


Posted Aug 20, 2015

Our remote management system sends an email to our zendesk ticket queue.    All of the emails come from    I would like to revise our response systems in zendesk to NOT send an email out to our agents when these tickets come in.    Also I would like Zendesk to not send a reply email back to     

All other regular emailed tickets I would like to function as normal out of the box.

How can we do this?




Hey David,

I assume you have a user in your zendesk with the email

If that user is an agent himself, you can modify all the triggers that send out mails by stating ' request is not >the agent with the email< '.

If it's just a regular end user account, you could add a tag to him, for example ' no_mail_please '

and add the Ticket Tags - Contains none of the following - ' no_mail_please '
To all the mailtriggers.

That way when a ticket gets created by your user ( with the alert mail ) it will automatically add the tag to his tickets. And no mail will be send.

Is this something that you are looking for?

Kind regards


The above tip is great, we also have an alert address setup as an end user and have placed it in an 'organisation' where you can customise settings within the organisation profile - rules for where the tickets go etc. It also makes customising the existing triggers/automations easy peasy, as you can just add an exclusion rule for 'organisation = 'XYZ'' :) 

It's important to make sure the 'alert' organisation doesn't run by email domain so it doesn't affect new users (you may need to remove this as it can auto-populate depending on how you create the org)

Hope this helps,


(added a screenshot to illustrate)


This is exactly what I was looking for.



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