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Automated notification to agent when ticket's been assigned for 24 hours without any updates


Posted Oct 27, 2021

I would like to set an automation or trigger for a notification/reminder to the assigned agent which should be fired 24 hours after OR the morning after the ticket was assigned. IF the agent has not yet updated the ticket. After the trigger or automation has been fired once I do not want it to fire again after an addditional 24 hours. 

I have been testing some variations of this but not quite figured out a good way to do this. Would be thankful for any tips or help!





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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Hi Anette Wold Ylenstrand,

Since automations are time bound, we'll definitely want to utilize one of those here.  For this to work properly, we will need to assume that the agent will change the status to something other than "New" once they have responded.  For the timing, I would recommend choosing either 24 calendar hours or 8 business hours, as due to the nature of automations you won't be able to do 'first in wins.'  Usually we defer to business hours for agent notifications unless your support center 'follows the sun.'

One thing to note about automations is that they run every hour, but not necessarily at the top of the hour.  Because of this, we need to use > hours instead of "is" hours, since the automation may run 10 minutes past the hour, which is not = to exactly 8 hours.  To do this safely, we need to deploy a negating tag, wherein the automation not only looks for but adds the tag after its first run, preventing subsequent notifications from firing.  All together, it looks like this:

Hope This Helps!

Brandon Tidd
729 Solutions


Thanks for your reply Brandon!

However I can't find any solution that allows me to keep the status as "new" after assigning it to another agent. But it might still work with setting Ticket:status is Open, if I also set a condition for "hours since updated" one hour less than "hours since assigned" 🤔 Not completely waterproof though as it does not take in to considderation that the ticket might get updated the time betwen "hours since assigned" and "hours since updated"




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Brandon Tidd

Zendesk LuminaryUser Group LeaderThe Humblident Award - 2021Community Moderator

Ahh yes Anette - you are correct that Open is the status to use here.  That said, I think you might be able to get away with adding a Trigger wherein the Ticket is Updated and the Assignee is the Current User and Agent Replies > 0, add a tag agent_replied, and then use this to suppress the automation (tags contains none of the following: agent_replied).  Not full proof, but much closer to your goal.


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Zendesk Customer Care

Hello Anette, thank you very much for your questions!

Brandon's recommendations are a very good solution, particularly their last message. Adding the Trigger they explained will solve the one hour ambiguity you mentioned where the Agent could reply with the Automation still firing.

Also, and just for some context, a ticket can only be on "New" status as soon as it's created and when it's unassigned. Once the ticket is assigned to an Agent it will automatically be changed to "Open" and cannot be turned back to "New" even if it is unassigned.

Hope this was helpful!


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